Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Now my neck is open wide, begging for a fist around it."

I sit in my car that's parked in a empty parking lot and check the time on on my phone struggling from the blurry vision cause by tears.

5:04 AM

The time shocked me, I replay everything that happened in my head


I quietly lay in Harry's bed as he walks of to the bath room, he must think I'm asleep.

I realise he went to the toilet as I hear him pee since he left the door open. His phone starts ringing and he answers it with one hand turning it on speaker, it's a girls voice and my heart starts beating faster. I don't know what me and Harry are but it kills me knowing he has girls dropping at his feet for him. I've known he for two weeks yet I Hardly know anything about him besides ; he lives in the frat house where we are now, all he does is party and gets drunk & does not date but "fucks". Not that I have done anything with him but I've heard everyone talk about it.
He only begged me to stay with him tonight so I had agreed since I couldn't be bothered driving to my dorm, not that it was even far but I'm lazy like that and I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to stay with him anyway.

I try to focus on listening to who his speaking too.
"Are you coming over tomorrow?" The girls voice rings through the phone.
"Yes of course." I hear The toilet flush and then the sound of water witch must be him washing his hands.
"You haven't told Ellie yet?" The girl says witch gets me furrowing my eyebrows straight away by the mention of my name. What did she mean by 'haven't told Ellie yet' ?
"No and I won't be anytime soon, let's just keep it a secret for now." Harry's raspy voice grumble, he seem quiet annoyed with the whole subject.
"Ok haz I'm going to bed, goodnight." The girls voice sighed.
The call then ended right after Harry said "bye."

I was over thinking everything that just happened & had a million questions going through my head.
Who was the girl?
Where was Harry going Tomorrow?
What hasn't he told me?
Why didn't he want to tell me and keep it a secret?

I heard he footsteps walking towards the bed as he took a seat on the end of it.

"Who was that?" I questioned. My voice quiet.

"Don't worry, go back to sleep." He mumbled while rubbing his face looking stressed.

I sat up and moved down next to him, facing him with a frown on my face.

"Harry who was it? I heard my name and I deserve to know who it was!" I slightly raised my voice. I hate it when he does this. He be's all nice and kind and begs me to stay with him then goes and does something behind my back.

"No Ellie! You don't deserve to know. It was my phone call and it was supposed to be private so stop eavesdropping and mind your damn business!" He shouted while standing back up.

"I think I'd get to know since MY name was mentioned! And i was not eavesdropping, your phone was on loud speaker!" Lie. I was pretty much eavesdropping but he doesn't have to know that so I deny it.

"Damn it Ellie! Stop acting like you know me and that were friends! You don't mean anything to me so I won't tell you shit! Stop trying to get me to open up to you and tell you my life story!" He shouted.

I then stood up and got right into his face after hearing the words "you don't mean anything to me" come out of his mouth.

"Then why'd you beg me to stay huh? Who were you talking to and why was my name mentioned? And what aren't you telling me?!" I pushed his shoulders so he stumbled back a bit. He quickly grabbed my wrists in each hands and held them tightly that it started to hurt & I winced in pain but he didn't seem to notice

"Mind your fucking business! I don't need to tell you anything. We aren't anything so stop acting like You need to know everything that happens in my life!" He then put his hands around my neck with a tight gripped and pushed me back into a wall hurting my back in the process. There was a thud from the impact and only then did he release his tight grip and realise what he done and a frown took over his face.

"Ellie I'm sor-" he spoke while taking steps back before I cut him off.

"Don't." I warned while quickly walking away and put on my slippers and grabbing my coat to turn the door handle as I ran down the the stairs. There was a frat party happening so I tried to keep my head down knowing my face was soaked from tears. I heard Harry shout my name at least 2-3 time but I didn't dare turn around.

Jumping into my car I just drove straight a head until I found a empty Cole parking lot.

*end of flashback*

I hadn't realised the tears rolling down my cheeks until they started to drop onto my lap. Why do I do this to myself? I knew I shouldn't have messed with Harry, I knew I'd only end up hurting myself like the dumb fuck I am.

But what's got me completely messed up is that I still adore him with or without his hands around my neck.

After calming down I decided to drive back to my dorm and try to fall asleep.

- Can you guys like comment if you think this was a good chapter or not?? Because I don't want to write a shit book if you know what I mean lllooll
- But anyways I do hope you all enjoyed it & please vote and comment :))) xxxx

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2016 ⏰

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