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~The Izzy Cam~

"She still won't pick up, and we've gotta leave town soon." Duff slammed the telephone back down onto the receiver, cringing at the horrid sound it made.

"Just leave her alone," Slash said, still floating around in a state of extreme melancholy. "If she doesn't want us anymore, that's her choice." He didn't mean a single word he was saying, but she was the only one who could measure his level of sincerity.

"Suck it up, and stop being such a damned pussy," Axl said, pretending as if he wasn't just as affected by Skipper's absence. She'd even changed the locks on the apartment door, so they could no longer sneak in where they weren't wanted. She refused to answer their calls, return their messages. She had completely isolated herself from the band.

Slash said nothing, and took a long drag on his cigarette.

The tour bus was cluttered and smelled of stale whiskey and tobacco, and each band member hated it slightly in different ways. They had been enjoying a long break away from the constant chaos of touring, but it didn't seem quite as sweet with nobody to share it with.

"I've got an idea," Axl stood, glaring at Izzy's camcorder. "Duff, you think you're strong enough to lift a thrashing body?"

"What kind of fucking question is-" Axl's gaze intensified, and Duff's mouth clamped shut. He nodded once.

"Then we've got shit to do."


Skipper's POV

"I don't want to see them, and that's final!" I snap, glaring at the nurse standing in the doorway to my OR. They say not to stone the messenger, but I can't help it when she continually returns with new messages, messages that I don't care to hear.

"They said they won't leave, and they say you're..." The nurse turns an amusing shade of pink, shifting her weight uncomfortably. "They say you're too scared to come and tell them yourself." Tell them what? I made it perfectly clear when I dismissed Slash that I was done with all of them. Part of me suspects Rosie as the culprit, the other three are far too fickle to hold onto me for an extended period of time.

Slash? He just doesn't care.

"I am saving this little girl's life right now," I tell the nurse sternly, waving the bloody scalpel I'm clenching for emphasis. "Tell them to leave. Tell them not to come back. If they won't, have security escort them out." The nurse nods once, and disappears without protest.

I'd like to say of gotten over the breakup... I don't really know what else to call it. It's only now that I truly realize how much time we spent together; that idle time now stretches on for ages and leaves me yearning for what used to be. And then I remember who he is, and what he did, and I barely manage to shove the feelings away for just a few more minutes.

The nurse fails to return with a new message by the time I finish up the surgery, so I scrub out, and leisurely stroll to O.R board to see who's surgery I can steal right out from under them.

"I never took you for a pussy."

The voice startles me, and strikes me as sickeningly familiar. When I turn to meet it, no one is there. No one but doctors and nurses bustling by, with too many errands to run and not enough time to complete them in.

I sigh, cross my arms stubbornly, and face the board again. There's a black-haired man leaning against it, tall, sapphire eyes. "You run away from us now? That's not cool."

I scowl at Izzy, his nonchalant smile irks me greatly. "I'm not running away. You were there when I told you all to fuck off, weren't you?" He flinches a little bit, and the corners of his mouth tilt downward a little. "You told Slash to fuck off, not me. Or the rest of the band. You should know that Axl won't let you off that easy."

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