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It's currently 5:15, meaning Marc is 15 minutes late. I don't personally mind him being late only because I like this coffee shop.  I look around the coffee shop and land on a familiar face, the little old man named Roger. He's been coming here since I was a freshman and he's literally the nicest person ever. I remember once this girl didn't have enough money so he paid for her. Cliche but I made an exception for him.  I look back up and Marc was just walking in. Lovely. 

"Hey sorry I'm late. My class ended a little late." 

"I see that, it's cool though."

"What kind of coffee do you want?" He said staring at me. 

"Oh, I already had coffee. I couldn't wait."

"Then what's the point of me being here!" He pouted. Yes, pouted. Fucking adorable. 

"I wanna get to know you that's why. So Marc, where are you from?"


We spent an hour and a half just sitting there talking about everything. I didn't get too deep with him yet 'cause I just wanted to know the basics. Surprisingly, he's very interesting.

I walk into my dorm and Summer is actually here. What a surprise. 

"Oh look, you're not with her for once."

"Oh shut up" 

I laugh and pull my book s from under my bed and my notebook out of my bag  I have a shit ton of notes to take. 

For the next twenty minutes all you can hear is my pen scribbling and Summer's phone ding every 10 seconds. 

"Hey, you do know that I'm trying to finish homework and you can silence your ringer?" I said looking at her. 

She rolled her eyes and said, "Whatever, I'll be back soon. Maybe." 

I roll my eyes in response and she quietly leaves. 'Least I won't hear her annoying ass ringer.

Few moments pass and I finally finish my homework. I look around a try to figure out what to do, go back to the coffee shop or go adventuring.  I quickly decide that adventuring sounds fun at 10 at night, but it's risky. I pull my phone out and tell Marc to meet me at my dorm in 5 minutes. 

"So why are we doing this?" 
"I dunno.  Summer left again and I don't like being in my dorm room alone. I was actually gonna go back to the coffee shop but adventuring sounded a little better."

Marc nodded and continued to follow me. I didn't tell him where we going and I don't plan on telling him. Surprises are fun

"Hey Riley, I don't think we're supposed to be in this building this late." 

"Oh shut up." 

He groans in response which only made me smirk. We walked to the elevator and quietly got on. I hit the top floor button and patiently waited for the doors to re-open. 

Once we get there Marc looks around in awe.  I don't blame him, you can see the city from here and it's simply gorgeous. 

I grabbed his hand and led him to the ledge.  I felt him tense up but he relaxed after I gave him a reassuring look. 

"So what brings you here?" He finally spoke.

"I come here when I need a break from reality. As you can see it's pretty calm." 

"Yeah, it really is. It's something about the way the cars move so fast and all the lights whipping around."

"That's exactly it." I stared at him. 

Marc isn't a bad looking guy at all. He has long-ish brown hair and a pretty sharp jawline. He has a great taste in style too so that's a plus. 

He looks at me and catches my stare, causing him to smirk. 

"Don't you dare say it, I'll push you off this roof."

He laughed and it's literally the cutest thing ever. 

For the next hour or two we sat on the ledge and continued to talk about everything and nothing. 

"Hey it's starting to get late, we should head back to our dorms" 

I nod and slowly get down. Despite being up here, I'm deathly terrified of heights. I'm just not as evident with the fear. 


Once we get back to my dorm I can hear music faintly playing, meaning Summer is here. 

"I see your roommate is in."

"Yeah for once." I said causing both of us to laugh. We stand there for a few moments looking at each other until he spoke up.

"Well, I'll see you around?"

"Yeah of course." I said smiling.  He smiled and walked away and I walked into my room. 

"SO, who's got you smiling like that?" Summer instantly asks.

"Nobody don't worry about it." I said turning around and smiling

Damn you Marc

// hey der. i'm sorry i take so long to update. i only write real late at night/early morning and this is the first time i was able to stay up and be inspired to write. i'll start updating regularly though :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2016 ⏰

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