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Hey guys! This is a snowbarry fantiction so if you don't like snowbarry, please do not read and leave hate comments.

Disclaimer: I do not own The Flash or any of the characters. This is simply fan fiction.
    😊 thank you 😊


Caitlin was both furious and worried about Barry's actions lately which have been unnecessarily risky. He had almost lost his life tonight and didn't seem to be bothered about it either. She had no idea why he'd been acting so strangely and immaturely all of the sudden.

Barry looked up at her with wide green eyes. Oh, those eyes, Caitlin thought to herself. He had those eyes that could always make you give in to whatever he wants. He must have always gotten his way as a child, she thought.

"You almost died. Again."

Barry still didn't seem to care very much which made her even more angry. He just sat there and kept shrugging his shoulders.

"If youre not going to care about your own life, how to you expect to save other lives?"

Barry sat upright in the metal chair. "Caitlin, I'm fine okay? I didn't die that's all that really matters."

Caitlin began raising her voice at him, which she didn't do very often.

"You almost died! And now you don't even care! I don't know whats going on with you Barry, but you better get over it before you really do lose your life."

Barry sighed and shrugged his shoulders once again.

"And what then? There'd be no more flash. Its not like I've been saving many people lately anyways."

"Is that what this is about? Barry you saved the entire city for goodness sake!"

Something dark flashed through his eyes, but Caitlin pretended not to notice.

"Its not just that-"

"Then what is it? You can tell me anything."

She wasn't exactly sure if he would tell her what was bothering him or not, but it was worth a try.

Caitlin couldn't help noticing that Barry hadn't looked at her even once during their entire conversation, not even once, which was very odd.

She sat patiently waiting for him to tell her for a whole minute, until he finally spoke. It wasn't what she had been waiting for.

Barry suddenly had gotten irritated for reasons she couldn't understand, and he lost his temper.

"You know what?" Barry yelled. "Just forget it okay Caitlin? Its not like you would understand."

Caitlin was shocked by how out of character Barry had been acting, and also very angry at the way he was yelling at her. He had no right to yell, he was the one who needed to be yelled at.

"What do you mean I wouldn't understand? Barry, what could be bothering you that much that you can't even tell me?"

Caitlin couldn't even think of why he was acting so insane, but she knew it had to be a pretty big reason.

When Barry spoke again, it was without his previous loud tone, instead he spoke almost inaudibly.

"Just forget it, it doesn't matter." With that he left the room not fully closing the door behind him.

Caitlin, alone in the dark at STAR Labs, decided that it was a good time to go home and get some rest, although she didn't think she would be sleeping much at all tonight.

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