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Barry could barely focus on what Iris was saying and instead kept sloshing his coffee around in the cup. He was zoned out for a few moments, until Iris said something that snapped him out of it.

"So yes or no?" Iris was looking at Barry nervously waiting for a response.

Barry hadn't been listening but he wasn't about to tell her that. Iris and Barry were the closest of friends and always have been. Barry also kind of felt something for her, or at least he thought he did. Maybe before...

"Uh..yes?" Barry hoped that a yes is the answer she was looking for.

"Yes?" Iris asked in an excited tone.

"Yes." Barry had no idea what he was getting into.

"Okay then. Great! I'll see you Friday night. Can't wait!" She patted Barry on the shoulder and left; leaving Barry still standing confused about what was happening Friday night.

Barry decided to just wait it out until Iris reminds him since she knows he can be quite forgetful, especially during times when the week gets chaotic. She would most likely remind him a few times before Friday.

As he was walking back to the lab, he ran into Cisco who looked perplexed.

"Hey, what did you say to Caitlin? She seemed...weird after talking to you."

They had kissed and Barry was still feeling the buzz of it. He kind of felt bad about it now though since Caitlin seemed uncomfortable during the kiss. How could he be stupid enough to kiss her when she so clearly did not want it?

"Really? Weird how?" He decided not to bring up the kiss to Cisco since he clearly can't keep a secret after telling Barry about Caitlin and Everyman.

"I don't know..she wasn't talking very much and she just seemed like kind of freaked out."

Barry really felt bad now and decided to go find her and apologize before she becomes even more uncomfortable around him. He had to nip this in the bud, and definitely not kiss Caitlin ever again.

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