September 12, 2016 Homecoming

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Dear Diary,

On this date last year I was cleared to leave the rehab center and go home.  Just my luck I was allowed to go back to school, and it was the first day of classes.  I came through the front door of the school to cheers from all my friends and a few nasty looks from Melanie's posse.  

I hardly recognized my locker.  It was decorated with get well soon cards from what seemed like half the student body.  There was even a lovely "Get Dead Soon" card from Rhonda Crowe, Melanie's best friend.  Glad to know I have such a "wonderful" effect on my classmates.  

It was hard getting around and the crowded hallways between classes didn't easier.  Phillip met me outside each of my classes and escorted me with his teammates to my next class.  It was such a sight to see the basketball team surround me and make a wall so nobody would run into me and knock me down.  I still wasn't too steady on my feet.

I should tell you that even though it was the first day of school, I knew 9th grade was going to be a bear.  I also knew that English was going to be my favorite subjects this year, and Gym was so boring because I was only allowed to sit in the bleachers and study due to my "accident."  The bright side to no gym is that I have no athletic prowess.  My English teacher was Mrs. Frost, the oldest teacher in the school.  She has been at Kingdom Prep since 1978.  She even taught my parents.  On my first day of class, Mrs. Frost said that she hoped I would not be as much trouble as my dad, and as good a writer as my mom.  I think I take more after my dad, so I knew I was there might be a problem.  I thought that Mrs. Frost was tough on me because of my parents, but looking back on the year I realized she was trying to make me a good writer.  Mom kept telling me that in the future I will come to realize my favorite teachers were the ones that pushed me the hardest.

Moving to the present day, Mrs. Frost retired at the end of last year and I have a new teacher Mr. Hughes.  Even after one day, he is as hard on me as Mrs. Frost.  Unlike last year, Phillip and I are not in the same English class because even though I passed Mrs. Frost's class, my assistance could not help Phillip pass.  He is taking 9th grade English again this year.

Last night was the Homecoming Dance, one of the biggest nights at Kingdom Prep.  This dance has alumi dating back to class of 1941.  The down side is having the Homecoming King and Queen from the Class of 1981, my parents, at the dance this year.  Phillip, being the gentelman that he is, showed up at my house at 5:30 in the afternoon to help  Cassie and me with our hair and have dinner with my parents and us girls.  I told him he should be a hair stylist, and he replied, "Does this get me out of English?"

Phillip and I made a great looking couple.  He was dressed in a black tuxedo with a Bugs Bunny bowtie.  I was in a light blue formal dress that had a sequined top and a long flowing skirt.  My only criticism is that Phillip could have done with a haircut and a manicure.  His hair was a mess and his nails...don't get me started on the nails.

The theme of the dance was Academy Awards.  Everyone got to walk down the Red Carpet and be interviewed by Mr. Benedetto, the Headmaster, and his little sister, Kara, a real reporter for the local paper and a good friend of my mom's.  The gym was decorated with scenes from various Oscar winning movies like Titanic, Hamlet, and Sound of Music.

Phillip and I danced every dance.  Something he hates to do.  I guess he really loves me.  I have to admit, although I had a wonderful time, I am hurting so much.  Guess I haven't completely healed from the injuries.

At my school they have a Alumni Homecoming King and Queen and a current student Homecoming King and Queen.  Mom and Dad won Alumni, and Phillip and I won for current students.  I sure hope Dad didn't buy the election. (HA HA)  I am exhausted, so I will end here.  Good night Diary.

Through Beauty's EyesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz