bad luck

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When Alex Cabot awoke on monday morning she felt like crap. She was nauseous, exhausted and sticky with a sheen of sweat. What an awesome way to start the day. Turning over dejectedly she checked her alarm clock. The time read 7:44am. 7:44, she'd gone to bed round 4:30. Having stayed at the office until 12:00 then bringing the rest of her work home to finish. Still glowering over lack of sleep a sudden realization hit her. 7:44! She was supposed to be at work in 16 minutes! Flinging the covers off of her body she rolled haphazardly out of bed. She regretted it instantly. Alex's stomach churned and in a matter of seconds she found herself kneeling in front of her white porcelian toilet bowl, emptying the contents of her stomach into it. Left over chinese food definitely didn't taste as good on the way up.
Standing, she wiped her mouth and groaned. With no time for pleasantries Alex jumped into the shower, which of course ran icy cold no matter how far she cranked the hot water knob.
Within seven minutes the counselor had showered, dragged a brush through her hair and gotten dressed.
She opted for the first things her fingers came into contact with. A fitted white blouse, black skirt and black blazer to match.
Still freezing from the icy shower Alex grabbed her brief case, slipped on the first pair of heels she found and rushed out the door. Foregoing any thoughts of cofee or breakfast, Alex rushed out of the apartment. She dug her phone out from her pocket in hopes of contacting both the DA's office and the squad. Taking the stairs two by two while she handled her phone, Alex pressed the home button. Nothing. She tried again. Still nothing. One more time, her fingers desperatley pressing the home, lock, volume, any buttons her fingers could reach. A black screen stared mockingly  back at her. Great, just great. I cant even contact anyone to tell them im going to be late because for some god forsaken reason the world chose to become my enemy today.
Fuming, she jogged to her car. Once in the drivers seat Alex turned the key. It didnt start. You have got to be kidding me. She tried again. Not a thing. Again. Zilch, nada. The world truly was conspiring against her.
"Godamn it!" Angrily she threw open the car door and got out, slamming it behind her. With a string of colourful curse words she kicked the car door. Which actually did more damage to her own foot than it did the door. She yelped and backed away. Ok, deep breaths, Alex. Don't lose it. You'll just have to take the...the...the subway. Alex never took the subway, infact, she hated it. It was dirty and stuffy and cramped. It almost always set off her claustrophobia.
Taking a quick moment to recollect herself before walking quickly to the nearest subway station. "I can't believe im doing this." Alex muttered and grit her teeth as she tentatively stepped down the stairs to the underground death trap, aka, the subway.
After figuring out what train she needed to be on she practically sprinted (well, as fast as one can sprint in 4 inch heels, which is pretty fast in Alex's case) through the grimy, busy, station. She had slowed down a bit as she neared the stop when suddenly a rough hand grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into a deserted corner.
"You look like you got money, lady." A burly kid, about 20 years old, shoved her up against the wall.
"We could use a bit a that." Another guy, tall, white and lanky, said.
"I left my purse at home!" I-I dont have anything." Could this day honestly get any worse? Well, yeah actually it could, and it did.
"Whats in the breif case? Huh?" The burly guy asked, still holding her shoulders against the wall.
"Money?" The lanky one asked snatching the breif case from Alex's hands.
"No! I'm a lawyer, those are legal papers! I need those!" Alex protested.
"We'll see about that." Lanky said flicking open the briefcase letting loose a flow of document papers.
Alex nearly lost it.
"Shit, she aint joking." Lanky stared in dismay at the papers scattered on the floor.
"Aye, look at those." Burly pointed towards Alexs heels. "They look like they'd be worth a lot."
"No, please!" Alex begged, eyes wide with fear. Lanky slammed the brief case against her knees causing them to buckle completely. She hit the cement hard. "Ow...Hey!" She felt her shoes being pried off her feet. "Give those back!" But it was too late, she could here the thugs footsteps receeding already.
"Thanks, Lawyer Lady." One of them tossed back over his shoulder.
Alex was wondering if they had stolen her too briefcase when something hard clipped her in the back of the head....and there it was. Her world went a little fuzzy for a moment and things faded in and out of focus. Alex squeezed her eyes tightly until she felt slightly recovered.
As she lay on the tunnel floor Alex wanted nothing more than to break down into hysterical sobs, but she didn't let herself. She sat up, rubbed her aching head and pushed to her feet.
World still spinning she stumbled around, collecting her papers. Most had fallen where the dumb bastard had open the briefcase but a few had strayed away. Once she gad collected them all something occured to her. She had no shoes, oh god. She would either have to take the subway shoeless and risk contracting various diseases or walk to the precinct and be even later than she already was. Which would probably make her late for her arraignment at 10:00. She bit her lip, checked her watch and made a split second decision.
Cringing with every footfall Alex hopped on to the train just as the doors began to close. Unfortunately the compartment was cramped to capacity and she was stuck right in with the crowd. Oh no. Her claustrophobia began to kick in. Oh please, not now! She felt so boxed in, stuck. Her body temperature fluctuated between sahara desert and North pole. Waves of nauseau rolled over her tilting her world every which way. Her breath came in shallow gasps and yet no one seemed to notice, no one seemed to care. The world sucked.
Alex had never been so glad to get out of a vehicle before. When the train stopped Alex practically bolted. When she got above ground she had never been so grateful for fresh air. Oh this is wonderful- "Oh my god!" Something hot splattered onto Alex's chest.
"Oh, boy, im so sorry!" A young woman holding a now empty coffee cup, the contents of which was scalding the blonde ADA through her thin white shirt, exclaimed. "Its just that im late, and rushing and, oh im so sorry! Are you ok?"
"It's fine." Alex breathed out, wincing a little as she did so. She was in the same situation as this girl, she couldnt really blame her. "It happens, im fine, you'd better go before you're even later."
"Are you sure, i could-"
"No," Alex cut the girl off she gave a sort of sad-ish smile. "Go." The girl looked genuinely concerned but she turned and hurried on her way.
Pulling her soaked shirt from her body Alex swore again and lashed out, kicking at a nearby garbage can, momentarily forgetting she had no shoes.
"shit." She grimaced and squeezed her eyes shut, cradeling her foot.
Continueing on Alex limped the last few blocks to the precinct.
Once there, ahe dragged herself to the elevator, ignoring all the stairs that followed her. Of course no one had ever seen the ADA as anything but calm, cool and collected. Whatever, she didnt even care.
She practically punched the up button on the elevator. To her surprise she found it empty. Finally she would have a chance to put herself together a little before seeing the squad.
Alex had not felt so sick in a very long time (though because she was Alex, she would never admit that fact to another person). Her head still ached, she was coffee stained, hungry, and just plain hopeless. She leaned against the wall and closed her eyes for a moment.
The elevator shuttered and stopped. No, please...anything but this.
"Move you stupid thing!" The elevator didn't listen.
The walls were starting the close in. Her breathing got shallower and for the umpteenth time that day Alex wanted to cry.
Get it together Cabot.
Desperatley she searched for the emergency button and pushed it then spoke through the call system.
"T-the elevator's stopped." Her voice trembled slightly. There was a pause and then a voice came through on the other end.
"Alright ma'am, don't panic." The words were spoken in a calm, soothing, tone. "We'll repair it as fast as we can."
"O-ok." Alex slid down the elevator wall.
It was at least 20 agonizing minutes before the elevator moved again but soon enough the doors opened into the SVU squad room. Flooded with relief Alex clambered to her feet. A terrible wave of nauseau hit her.

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