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Long ago there was a great war of regions and dimensions and many men and women were killed in battle. One day a group of extraordinary teens stepped up. they decided that they would bring back the peace for many years to come and they started they're journey in a small settlement called Starfall. This place named Starfall was special because its magic essence was great and would help them in battle. The two that led this group were Jason the leader of the chosen and Layla the second of the chosen. they both were equal but had different roles in the chosen but that wasn't important in the group they led since they both ruled equally now there were many others in the group but the four that ranked highest were Jason Layla Shadow and Jib. But that's enough about the group now to get to the point these teens were as I said extraordinary the reason why was cause they had powers beyond most and could vanquish nearly any enemy if they worked as one never the less they came to an end after they had ended the great war. hope was not lost cause some of their strength was given to their descendants for if there was ever another great evil it would be vanquished. 100 years after the group died and Starfall was made into a camp for those with magical strengths. Their descendants began to come to this camp at a young age except for one Jace the descendant of Jason. He did come after time though and that is were the story began the story of Camp Starfall.

Hey guys sorry about the short prologue and my horrible grammar but i did my best! Be prepared for the next chapter that should be out by next month or earlier see ya for now guys!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2016 ⏰

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