Lets all get wasted

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I arrived at my crib not feeling that need to sit in the house. My house was beautiful tho, a huge bedroom that I got designed just for my taste of entertaining ladies that I bring by, a jacuzzi and heated swimming pool, a gourmet kitchen fit for a Hell's Kitchen, and mainly everything any one would die for. I stared around, "What to do?".

I took out my cell phone and dialed up Noel. Only reason I called her was cause she had been cool with me before the big shot Mr.Notch time had come and I really trusted her.

I held the phone close to me

"Ahh now you wanna send me to voicemail".

I shook my thoughts and just decided to hit a bar. Remembering that I was going to meet my competition in the morning just made me want to get super loaded and not show up to the meet and greet.

I grabbed my keys and headed to my sexy $2mil 2014 Jaguar. This car only hit USA once and I was the one to buy it. I hopped in in swerved off.

I got a couple of numbers on my way there, parked, and headed inside.

The bar was filled with WOMEN EVERYWHERE. "Yea I can piss Connie off so bad". I laughed saying.

"This shall do just fine".

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