Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

I was sitting in my hotel-room, ready to go and see Harry. My bags were already packed since I’d never bothered to unpack much for only one night in the city. I’d made an agreement with myself that I would wait a half an hour before I went to see Harry because I didn’t want to seem desperate. I even started thinking about leaving the hotel without saying a word and never seeing Harry again. He made me nervous. I was afraid that if I was in the same room as him, I’d stare too much. There’s absolutely no doubt in that he looks good, amazing even. Probably the most beautiful man I’d even spoken to.

 But I ignored my nerves and went over to his room and knocked on the door.

He opened it within five seconds.

“Grace!” Harry welcomed me with a big smile. He gave me a kiss on the cheek. I couldn’t help but feeling warmer because of his touch. When he took a step back again he gesticulated that I should enter his room. He had changed his clothes now wearing a more relaxed look. He had a simple white T-shirt on with black jeans and a beanie on his head. When I walked passed him I noticed he smelled very good, he had probably just taken a shower.

The day went on very fast. Almost too fast. I enjoyed myself. At first Harry and I were discussing things that were in my book. Opinions we had about the world. We agreed a lot. I like people that I can agree with. And I started to like Harry, a lot. I loved the way he spoke to me. He really found everything I said interesting. His eyes were locked on mine all the time and it made me warm on the inside. He kept on smiling and I constantly looked at his lips as they moved when he spoke.

I didn’t realize how much time had passed until we had ordered our second room service that day. It was dinner and the clock was over 7 pm.

“I should probably go after we’ve eaten.” I said after room service had come with the food. We sat on his bed, close next to each-other with a plate each in our hands.

“No, we’re having such a nice time. Why don’t you stay the night? I know we’ve only just met but who cares?” He looked down at his food while he asked me. I found it very cute that he was a bit shy around me. It made me think that maybe he felt the same way as I did for him. Because when I met him, I didn’t look at him and think that we should be friends. I knew that if we were going to be anything at all, it would be more than friends.  

“Sure, my old flat in Edinburgh will probably be there tomorrow too.” I grinned and Harry looked up at me, smiling happily. We were sitting so close. I could see every detail of his irises. They were emerald green. The colour reminded me of the fields around the new dream-house I’d just bought.

I looked down at Harry’s lips. They looked extremely kissable. I quickly moved my eyes back to his and hoped he didn’t notice me looking at his lips.

“Your eyes are beautiful.” I whispered. I don’t know why I whispered but we were so close so I felt I didn’t need to speak louder.

“Your eyes are beautiful too. Your whole face is beautiful. Your whole body is beautiful.” He whispered back. His breath was fanning my cold, lonely lips. They hadn’t been kissed in a while.

Harry looked down and his hand grabbed mine. It was warm and his touch send butterflies through my veins. All of a sudden, without me thinking about it twice, our lips were connected.

It was a sweet, innocent kiss. It was perfect. After we had separated our lips we grinned hugely at one another. I couldn’t stop smiling all night long after that. My stomach had a weird buy good feeling in it. In some crazy way I had fallen in love with Harry who I’d only known for a few hours really. And it was amazing. It wasn’t one of those “we’ve just met and we got on really well – let’s have sex”- kind of way. It was innocent as if he was my first love ever and I was his first love ever. And that we were 13 years old and that our thought didn’t wander to thoughts about sex. It was enough just to kiss once in a while. And that’s what we did the rest of the night. We kissed a lot. I could feel how sore my lips were by the end of the night.

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