Barneys New York

42 1 0

Los Angeles, California: 2000

I hummed quietly to myself as I arranged expensive hand bags onto a pyramid of shelves. I admire the idea of the pricey accessories, but I don't think it's necessary to pay more than twenty dollars for a thing you throw your junk into.

However, even though I disagree with the company's reasons for pricing their items, I'm very thankful to have my job. They pay me well and they cater my hours to everything else I have going on in my life. I honestly love it here.

As I finished stacking the purses, my boss, Erin, called for me.


I turned around to find her a little too close, "yeah, Erin?"

"I've been looking everywhere for you!"

I shrugged, "well, you found me. Right where you left me an hour ago."

"Oh . . ." she shook her head, "well, regardless, I have something to tell you. I'm leaving."

My eyes widened, "wait, you're quitting? Why would--"

She shook her head again and laughed, "no, Hun, I meant I'm leaving for the day. As in you need to take my client. Besides, you'll need to start training to be a personal shopper anyways. You've been here almost a year and you don't have any clients yet."

I stayed quiet, not really knowing what to say. I wasn't sure if I wanted to be a personal shopper. It's a big responsibility to be held accountability for a celebrity's look. I'm not sure if I'm ready for that yet.

"Well, don't you want to know who you're shopping for?"

"Must I do this?" I pleaded. She ignored my question, "it's Andre Young."

I simply stared at her.

"Dr. Dre?" She prompted. My eyes got wide again, "whoa, shit. Dr. Dre? Are you sure? I don't know if I can do that . . ." I trailed off nervously. I started to bite one of my nail.

"Looks like you'll have to, because he's here, and I'm off to my daughter's piano recital. I'll see you later, Shay. Just text me if you need anything."

I breathed deeply, "alright, have fun." I mumbled. Erin laughed, "same to you. And don't be afraid. He's a nice man, I promise."

I rolled my eyes, "where have I not heard that one before . . ."

She laughed and waved me off, "byyye, Shannon."

"Bye, Erin." She strutted off towards the door and held it open just as Dr. Dre walked in. She greeted him and what I assumed to be two of his body guards, and gestured in general direction. I made eye contact with Dre, and I knew I didn't have any time to even mentally prepare myself.

I slowly made my way over to meet the three men. His body guards dispersed after Dre whispered something to them. I watched them walk over to a few racks filled with suit jackets. Clearly not needing their aid, Dre closed the distance between us. He greeted me with a warm smile, "Erin tells me you're taking over for her?"

I nodded my head and smiled back softly, "yes, I am, Mr. Young. My name is Shannon."

He stuck his hand out, "it's nice to meet you, Shannon. And feel free to call me Andre."

I took his hand and shook it, "Okay Andre . . . So, how can I help you today?"

"I'm actually looking for a new suit for myself and my friend over there. We need to look sharp when we roll up to the AMA's this year."

"I understand sir, we can make that happen. I'm going to go ahead and fit you first if that's alright?"

He nodded and I led him to an area further back in the store to size him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2016 ⏰

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