Right Just There

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I saw you when we were both in the clouds

When we formally met, I was drawn to you

I wanted to keep by your side all the time

You seemed happy to let me, so I rejoiced

In my endeavor to do so, our clouds crashed

Into each other and burst, and all of us fell

We were like a stream, like a rivulet, a brook

Cascading down mountains side by side

Then the land split us and you flowed away

I tried to follow, but I couldn't change course

You reached a pond, and stayed there 

Stagnant and still, not moving ahead

I passed by you and still flowed ahead

Until I wound up a part of the ocean

Though I admired the ocean and everything

I still dreamt of the time when I met you

And then again I became part of a cloud

Where I found you and you drew me to you

I decided to stick by your side, never leaving

This time when we fell down onto the earth

We cascaded down the mountain together

And this time, I wouldn't flow away from you

I stuck by your side and followed you, no easy feat

I thought I would be amazed by your surroundings

But when we arrived, I found out I wasn't suited

To the stagnant pond life you led, 'tis the ocean for me

I tried to adapt, but I just wasn't meant to be there

I tried but you wouldn't come with me to the ocean

So, with a heavy heart, I bid you farewell up in the clouds 

And swore I'd never come searching for you again

As we fell down and you went your way, I realized

You were right just there, even if without me

And I went my own way, back to where I belonged

Realized this is where I should be, no excuses

And that is the tale of how I discovered that

Some things are better off left the way they are.

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Yep, even I don't know what exactly this is (and I wrote this), so don't be dissuaded if you don't get it; it's something I just wrote in like five minutes...

If this makes sense to you, kudos!!

'Nyways, thank you for reading!!

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