Chapter 1 ~ Joining Dauntless

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Guilt. That's all I feel walking out of the Hub, leaving my family behind. But I'm free now and that's why I chose dauntless. I am interrupted from my thoughts when everyone starts running, I turn around and give one last look at my parents. My mum is smiling, and my dad looks plain disappointed. I wouldn't blame him, I'm only the second transfer from abnegation to dauntless. I look around once everyone stops running, but all of a sudden they start climbing. This must be a part of initiation I think, as I start to climb up the pole onto a platform. Once I'm up the top I finally get time to catch my breath back. I realise that I spoke to soon, once I see a train approaching. Oh that's right dauntless are known for train riding. I stand there waiting for the train to stop, until it doesn't. I hear someone shout "come on" so I bolt as hard as I can. Lucky enough, I managed to jump onto the last cart I could have been factionless. I accidentally bump into someone "oh sorry" I say as I sit down. "It's ok, I'm Christina" a short girl with dark hair from Candor says "Beatrice" I reply, she seems like she could be a great friend. "Is it just me, or are they trying to kill us" I let out a laugh because she couldn't be more right, we just got here, and I already feel tired.

"Get ready" i turn around to see the train doors opening, then I see people jumping out. "They're jumping" Christina looks shocked "what?" She stands up to see for herself. We have to do it otherwise we'll be factionless. "Together?" I say to Christina "on three, 1, 2, 3" we run off holding hands and take a massive leap off the train. We both tumble down and land on the rocky ground. All my clothes are ripped, I look at Christina and she's, laughing? I start laughing too I can't believe we just did that. We both stand up and walk over to everyone else. As we are approaching I realise that there is a ledge. 'Oh no please don't tell me...' "I'm Eric one of your leaders here" oh well I'll soon have to see what that ledge is for, but I don't have a good feeling about it. "If you want to enter dauntless, this is the way in" yep I was right were jumping AGAIN. "Is there water at the bottom or something?" A boy from erudite speaks up. "Well you will soon find out" Eric replies. I take a look at him, his brown hair and those piercing blue-grey eyes, and those muscles. I stop staring once he booms "well someone's gotta go first who is it" people start putting there heads down, and I realise that someone's gotta go. Without thinking I instantly call out "me" everyone steps away so there is a clear path leading to the edge. Eric hops down and gives a stare with those piercing eyes, and I shudder. I take off my jacket. "Take it off stiff, put it back on" I turn and see the smirking face of Peter the Candor boy, no wonder he always has to open his mouth. I step onto the ledge, but I'm too scared to leap off so I stand there. "Today initiate" I turn around and Eric is glaring. I have to do it. I take a deep breath in, and I leap off the edge.

My breath stops as I rapidly free fall for what seems forever. I finally plummet down on a net, and I bounce up a few times. I just lay there, taking in that I was the first to jump off a seven story building. I see everyone's head look down on me from seven story's up and I laugh. I feel someone tug on the net, and I am pulled off. I stand up and meet the eyes of a handsome guy with deep blue eyes. "Whats your name" "uh it's be..." I stumble, Beatrice was my old name, my abnegation name. I am dauntless now, I need a fresh start. "Is it a hard one, you can pick a new one. But make it good you don't get to pick again." I'm sure of it this time "it's Tris" that sounds good. "First jumper Tris." He booms out, then he speaks so only I can hear him "welcome to dauntless"

I wait by the net, and watch everyone land from the seven story free fall jump. Some scream, and some say nothing at all as they fall. Once everyone is down, the guy who helped me and a girl stands in the middle of the transfers and dauntless borns. The guy speaks up "dauntless borns go with lauren, transfers stay with me." Everyone scatters off. "I usually work in intelligence but for initiation I'll be your instructor. My names Four." Christina opens her Candor mouth "Four, like the number" he looks up "exactly like the number" "what one two and three were taken" he steps towards her. Well that's what she gets for opening her mouth. "What's your name?" "Christina" he moves even closer. "well, Christina the first lesson from me is to keep your mouth shut. Got it" she gulls and nods her head. Four starts walking off "follow me"

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