Chapter 2 ~ Peter

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We stop once we have arrived in a room. "This is where you'll be sleeping for the next ten weeks." Al says "boys or girls" "both" four replies. There are mixed answers from everyone. "Get changed" he says and storms out. Once everyone is changed we grab our old factions clothes, and we dump them in a fire on the way to the cafeteria. Me and the rest of the initiates walk through the doors and try and look for a seat. Once we have sat down Max the head leader, speaks up "initiates stand. we welcome you. We believe in ordinary acts of bravery. Which drives one person, to stand up for another. Do us proud." With that all the members of dauntless stand up and lift us up so we are crowd surfing. I start laughing, and I grab Will's hand. They put us down and we head back to the dorms to go to bed. Everyone gets changed, and Eric storms in "alright lights out" before he turns them off he looks at me, shakes his head turns the lights off and storms out. I lay there confused as to why he did that. I mean he is hot and all, 'Tris stop it what are you thinking' I tell myself before turning over and trying to sleep.

About 2 hours pass, and still no hope. There are just too many thoughts running in my head for me to fall asleep. I no I probably shouldn't but I decide to go for a walk around the compound. I mean everyone's more than likely asleep anyway, it's 1:30. So I put my shoes on and try to sneak out of the dorms. Being small has its perks, I mean I can easily creep around without anyone hearing me. I successfully make it out of the dorm and I don't even know where I'm going. Oh well, I've got plenty of time to do some exploring. So I turn right, walk down the hallway, and the turn left. But I freeze when I hear heavy footsteps. I don't know what to do so I stay completely frozen. I see the shadow walking closer and to my surprise, it's Peter. He sees me and then smirks he walks towards me, but there's no where I can go. He grabs my wrist, and shoves me to the ground, and starts kicking me. Still being my abnegation self I don't know how to fight back. So I lay there crying in pain. I try to kick him off me and it works, so I stand up until he swings his arm back and punches me in the face. I fall to the ground, and am greeted with sleep.


After I had told the initiates to get to bed. I took one last glance at Tris. For some reason, I couldn't keep my mind off her. Her golden blonde hair, her small frame, and those blue-grey eyes that were similar to mine. But her eyes are warm and friendly, unlike mine. I turned away from her, shook my head and turned off the lights. What was I thinking, she's an initiate I just can't go hooking up with her. And besides, a couple of the guys probably have there eyes on her, so I have no hope. I stop thinking when i reach my apartment. I unlock it, and walk straight to the couch. I honestly just want to sleep to get all the thoughts out of my head. So that's exactly what I do. I suddenly wake up from the same dream that haunts me every night. I look at the clock 1:25. I decide that I won't be falling back asleep, so I put on some shoes and head out around the compound. I lock my apartment door and try so hard to not make any noise while walking. But it's hard not to when your 6 foot and muscly, so I give up and walk normally. I decide to use my usual route, so I turn left walk down the stairs, turn right and I hear someone running off. I walk further and I see a helpless girl lying flat on the ground unconscious. I take a few more steps, and see golden blonde hair. Oh no I don't like where this is going. I crouch down and get a look at her face. To my surprise it's Tris. She has a purple bruise forming on her cheek bones and she is clutching her stomach. So I'm guessing that she was kicked. She looks so beautiful asleep 'snap out of it, she's unconscious' I tell myself. I scoop her up and carry her to my apartment, since the attacker was than likely in the dorms. I unlock my door, and take her straight to my bed. I gently place her down and put the blankets over her. She looks so peaceful, and that will probably all change during initiation. That selflessness in her eyes will more than likely disappear after she's done with this. That's what happened to me, I wasn't always as cold as everyone knows me to be now. Initiation changed me, and I hope it doesn't change Tris.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2016 ⏰

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