Friend Zoning Harry Styles

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Title: Friend Zoning Harry Styles

Author: krystal_payne

Summary: Emily is the usual college student, trying to eventually work her way up into getting accepted to Medical School. She meets Harry Styles, charming, funny, and the biggest sweetheart. They begin to develop a strong friendship.. Harry wants more. One problem, Emily's not going to leave her boyfriend, Brandon, for someone she just met. Will Harry get the girl? or will he be.... Friend Zoned.

Rated: PG-13

Opinion: Now I've read my share of Harry Styles fanfics, but none of them have been this good. I absolutely love this and thanks to my friend @larrys_daughter I started to read this one. (Ya'll should go and follow her ;) Anyways, I love this book nd I hope you do too.


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