Sometimes It's Okay

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Eight years. Han Solo had known the princess for eight years and she was still such a marvel to him. The Provisional Council had been keeping her busy all month, practically burying her in mounds of work without second thought as to how she might feel about that. Han still had no idea how she did it, but Leia managed to keep up with their urgent demands, working all day and even into the night. It always steamed Han when he'd stay up, waiting for Leia to return from work, only to go and find her passed out at her desk in her office. First, he always had to smile at her because she was so cute when she slept. Then, he'd pick her up and carry her to his quarters and lie her in his bed.
Today, though, he'd had enough of this and he wasn't going to let Leia waste another day cooped up in her office, her nose buried in meaningless tabs on one backwater world or another. No, today he was going to teach her a lesson. Sometimes, it's okay to be selfish.
Stifling a tired and irritated sigh, Leia settled into the backseat of the speeder. "Morning, Kasder," Leia said to the male duros that always drove her from her quarters to work every morning.
"Morning, Princess," he responded in kind, starting their drive with a right turn. Leia frowned. "Um, Kasder, you know this isn't the way to work."
"Oh, I know, Princess, but I was given strict orders from General Solo to not take you to work. Sounds like he's got a surprise waiting for you."
"I don't like the sound of that," Leia muttered. She waited through their long trip which ended up lasting hours until Kasder came to a stop in a large, green field of flowers. With the sun setting, lining up for the horizon, its light cast a beautiful glow on the land, illuminating the flowers. And out of that light came a sight more beautiful than all. "Just what are you up to?" Leia tried to keep her frown as she watched Han approach her. "I had important meetings to att-"
"Important," Han echoed with a small nod. "Mothma says that a lot, don't you think? 'Better not miss this meeting, Leia! It's of dire importance!'"
"Han," Leia said through a sigh. Han finally came close enough to draw her into his arms and drop light, feathery kisses atop her head. "Come on," he begged, stepping away and trying to pull Leia with him. "Please. I thought I'd give you the break you deserve. Can't you relax? Just take the day off and enjoy it." He displayed his hands out to his sides, turning his gaze up to the sky. "Enjoy this beautiful place, this beautiful day." He looked back to Leia. "And it's been a while since I've been able to enjoy the beautiful you."
Try as she might, Leia still blushed at the flirt. She silently cursed herself and folded her arms. "Han, this isn't funny. I have a job, a duty, and I can't just miss a day of work. What I do is important-"
"I know that it's important," Han assured her, gently taking hold of her elbow. "But so are you. What's the last meal you've had?"
Leia pantomimed a headache by raising one hand to her forehead. She shook her head and answered in an irritated voice, "A ration bar for dinner last night. Han, plea-"
"A ration bar? One? No, I brought some food for a picnic and you're going to eat with me."
"Han, I'm not hungry."
"Alright. Then, we'll wait until you are. Until, then . . ." In a single, quick and fluid motion, Han reached for the datapad in Leia's hand and ran away with it in his possession. As soon as she realized what he'd done, Leia became furious and yelled after him. "Han! Han! This isn't funny! I need that for work!"
"But you're not working today," Han reminded her, holding her device in the air. "Now, if you want it back, if you really need it, you're gonna' have to come and get it."
Leia growled, bending over to slip off her high heels so she could run after Han. Furious, she started off with as fast as she could go and chased Han down through the meadow, her bare feet padding against the soft, lush, green grass and pink, orange, red, and blue flowers. "Get back here, Han Solo! Give it back, already!"
"I already told you! You have to come and get it!"
Leia continued after him, racing through the field. She neared Han, almost in arm's reach when Han took off in a burst of speed and Leia fell behind again. She stopped for a moment, her hands on her knees while she caught her breath, watching Han as he laughed at her, still running. And then Leia was off again. She couldn't help but laugh at the innocence and peace of the moment, the setting. Somehow, she'd never felt so free, out in the open beauty of nature. There was only one thing that could make this better, she thought. She caught up to Han again, running faster than she thought she could. She ran the last couple feet and jumped onto Han's back. He fell down with a gasp, groaning a little when they hit the ground. Then. He was silent. Fear seized Leia and she quickly rolled off of Han, shaking him, trying to wake him. She rolled him over . . . and his eyes opened as he burst into guffaws of laughter. "Got you," he smirked and Leia playfully punched him in the shoulder. "Not. Funny!"
Han sat up to reach for Leia's shoulders and pulled her back down to the ground, holding her to him, his mouth suddenly going to explore the curve of her neck and the softness of the skin on her shoulders. Leia let herself relax under his touch, let herself become mesmerized by Han. Once again. His fingers brushed lightly on her stomach as he reached under her shirt, tickling the skin there, too. "See?" he mumbled against her right shoulder. "Isn't this nice? Just you and me, alone, outside under the gorgeous sun."
"Mm," Leia moaned, nodding her head, one hand searching for Han's. "You were right. Savor my words. I may never speak them to you again."
Han chuckled. "That's alright, Princess. I don't need to hear you say them. I just need you right here."
"That," Leia smiled, resting her eyes. "I can do."

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