Right choice

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You slowly pulled away from John, staring down at him. His blue eyes meet yours, taking in the crimson red that colors your irises. He had a slight smile that's infectious, causing a large grin to grow across your face as you stare down at him. You can't believe it, you did it! You just kissed john. And before you know it, john had leaned up, lips pushing against yours again. For a second it seems like John's trying to gain some kind of dominance in the kiss but he quickly losses interest in that after your arms wrap around his waist, pulling him closer. In this moment you realize that you'd made the right choice to come tonight. This just felt so right, having john so close. 

Your name is dave strider, and right now, you're making out with the love of your life.

My MistakeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon