Chapter 5 - I Need Your Love Before I Fall

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Ariana's POV

I looked at the calendar and smiled. October 13th. Jimin's birthday and also the day of our date. Isn't the timing just great?

I texted Jimin my address and he said he'd pick me up at 12:00 noon.

Ana has work today and is apparently taking the afternoon shift. What if she sees Jimin? Now I'm nervous.

"Hey, see you tonight Ana. Have fun with Jungkook." Ana said while wriggling her eyebrows which of course made me laugh with a hint of nervousness.

"Okay. Thanks! Have a great day as well!" I replied back.

"Of course I will, it's my baby's birthday after all." she blushed sounding really happy.

She must've noticed me looking uneasy when she said "Hey, don't be nervous. This day is gonna be awesome. Good luck." she told me.

I still can't get this guilty feeling out of my system. It disappears sometimes but then comes back to haunt me. But I won't let this affect me and the wonderful date I'm about to have.

"Thank you so much. I don't deserve such a great best friend like you." I hugged her, meaning what I said.

"Yes you do. Because you're the best." she hugged me back tighter.

"Anyway, have fun and feel free to call me if he hurts you. He may be part of Bangtan but today, he's your suitor who has to pass through my standards to get to you." she said with a playful tone.

"Will do. Bye." I chuckled and sent her off.

Okay let's see. Whoo, clothes check. Light make-up, check. Hair, check. Shoes, check. Okay, I'm ready.

The only thing left to do now is to pray they don't bump into each other.

Analisse' POV

I was humming BTS' 'Save Me' on my way to the elevator. I started to sing because I was feeling it too much.

It's alright since no one's here. I can be crazy.

"Geu soneul naemireojwo save me, save me. I need your love before I- Waah." I screamed when I tripped over something and was about to fall.

But something caught me.


Someone caught me.

"Don't worry. I won't let you fall without giving you my love." the person uttered sweetly.

It would've been romantic if it wasn't "Kim Taehyung!"

I got out of his grip and looked at him with narrowed eyes. "Why in the world would you trip me?!" I asked annoyed. "And what are you doing here?!"

"Geez. Why do you always scream whenever you see me?" he asked with a sour expression.

"Whatever. I almost fell on my face!" I complained angrily.

He sighed and said "I told you I won't let you fall without giving you my love, right?" he ended with a sincere looking smile.

What is this?

My heart.

Stop beating. Stop.

I composed myself and asked him what he was doing here again.

"I came to pick up Ana Valdez. Analisse, do you know where she is?" he asked.

"Where's her date?" I asked sounding snobbish.

"He's too shy so he asked me to pick her up." he explained.

"Oh. Then go straight to the apartment at the end. She's waiting there." I informed him.

"Okay, thanks!" he nodded, showing me an eye-catching smile.

Heart. Stop it. Now.

Beat for Jimin and Jimin only.

"No problem." I said looking nervous.

"By the way, I didn't get your last name." he told me.

"That's because I didn't give it to you." I said looking smug.

"Fine. Just don't scream when we meet again. I wanna see you smile." he said sweetly.

"Well, if you'd want that to happen, stop being annoying first." I stuck out my tongue and ran to the elevator.

Sorry Taehyung, my smile is meant for Jimin.

Though, it's really weird how my heart says otherwise.

Ariana's POV

I heard knocks on the door as I was retouching and polishing my face. "Oh my gosh! He's here." I whispered to myself.

I actually don't know which makes me more nervous. The fact that Jimin is here or the fact that there was a possibility Ana met him on his way here.

I wiped away the cold beads of sweats forming and went to get the door.

To my surprise, I see Taehyung. I sighed, relieved that both my problems were washed away.

Why is he the one picking me up though?

"Hello, Miss Ana Valdez?" he asked. "That's me." I smiled warmly and offered him to come in.

"It's not really that nice but yeah." I uttered while rubbing the back of my neck, feeling shy about showing someone, Kim Taehyung of BTS, rather, our apartment.

"I think it's cute." he smiled with his teeth showing. Cute little fella.

"Anyway, I was actually surprised to have seen you in my doorstep. I expected Jimin." I said feeling embarassed, again.

"Oh, sorry about that. Jimin hyung said he's shy and asked me to pick you up instead." he explained after chuckling and rolling his eyes.

He then wriggled his eyebrows and smirked at me.

I looked at him with narrowed eyes. "What?" I asked.

He gave me a 'you know what I'm talking about' smile. "You and Jimin hyung." he said. "What's with you two?" he added while continuing to wriggle his eyebrows.

Well, that made me cringe.

I blushed.

Big time.

"Nothing. We're just friends who are gonna eat lunch together. Nothing." I explained.

"Oh-kay." He said with a mocking tone.

Wait, did he see Ana?

"By any chance, did you see someone on your way here?" I asked cautiously.

"Yeah. I saw that same girl I saw at the fanmeet. Um, Analisse?" he uttered trying to recall her name. "Why?" he added.

"Hmm, nothing much. Did you guys talk?" I asked.

"Yup. It's funny how she always screams whenever she sees me. Am I that handsome?" he asked looking smug which only made me chuckle at his childish actions.

"So what else do you know about her?" I asked to know if he knows anything he shouldn't.

"I know that she's clumsy. She knows our songs. She's really cute and funny. She's fun to tease too." he said with a smile.

I smiled as well. I think Ana hit Taehyung a little too hard.

"You like her?" I asked, smirking.

He froze.

"What? No." he said sounding nervous while I just laughed. "Come on! Jimin hyung's waiting!" he said hurriedly and pulled me outside.

Kim Taehyung, you're so busted.

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