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Ariana p.o.v
Hey Luke hiii
Ariana I missed u so muchhhhh ..Luke said ..
Same here I said
When we were chatting ..I got the feeling tat someone is staring me ...when I move my head across I can see tat Harry is very pissed off , angry bt ? Wait!!!!!!!! Why he is so pissed of ..???????? Means wat hz I done
and the bell rings .....ding ding ....... the first period of first day of college and tat is history ...ughhhhh ......boring.....when I entered class I saw there is an empty place near Luke .I made my way to Luke and sat there ...Luke and his grinned
I missed u so much ...wrapping his hand on my waist ..and I was like l-lu-luke r u OK ?!!!!??
Yes ..y????he said
No ur all acting wired !!!?!!!
No I was just missing you ..tats alll.... Luke said
Bt Luke you saw me just few min agoo .!!!right duffer !!!!!
Hmm kk I.m always sweet n lovink.. he said
Harry p.o.v
I was literally pissed off ...and lil jealous cz Luke and ariana are best frnd and I don't like Luke
Then Bell ...ring and the first lecture was History ...I hate history
Then I made my way to my class when I entered I can see tat whole class is Talking about me and Barbara except one and tat is Ariana cz Ariana was chatting wid Luke ......iwas very jealous then I saw that there is empty place Ariana back seat and there is Barbara I sat there exact behind Ariana
And I can see tat there are laughing and chatting
So also thought tat feel Ariana jealous I can use of Barbara then I was chatting wid Barbara and laughing
Then suddenly Ariana saw behind and she makes wired face and saw front cz Mrs Kate was Introducing her self to students

we are made for each other.   (hariana.... h.s....... a. g.....)Where stories live. Discover now