Chapter 1

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The scratches of pencils on desks could be heard as students in the room did their work quietly. The concentration in the air could be felt within a mile radius. We only had 30 minutes left before it was all over and the weekend started anyways so then they all can go on with their lives. I for one, am staying home, watching Netflix and staying out of harms way.

A lot of things have changed since vampires came into society. Certain stores sell blood with a choice of heated or cold blood. There's even a vampire division in our government now, and some vampires even have their own shops now. I try to stay as far away from those as possible though. Its been half a year now since they've made their way into society.

So far I've been doing good on staying away from anything that may require me to run into a vampire. I have a set of rules that I abide to. Even if my friends think it's stupid,but its worked so far for me and has kept me safe.

"Hey Aribella, can you help me with the last one?" My friend Taylor says to me as she leans on her desk forwards me, and shows me her paper. It brings me out of my thoughts and I look over the problem in question.

"Sure Tay, let me look at it." I say and smile at her as I grab the paper from her hand's to get a better look at it and start explaining what she needed to do before the bell rang.

"Hey, so there's a party tonight and you should seriously get out of your house. You know, like you used to." She says as we're gathering our things. I stop in my tracks.

"I don't think so. Vampires are scary as heck and if I were to go to a party at night there's a great possibility that I could run into one. You know I'm anemic, right?"

"There's not going to be any vampires there Aribella. It's just people from school that's all. Plus, if you want I'll even drive you home if you'd like." Taylor said to me with a pleading look on her face.

My resolve melted. It has been months since I've had any fun with my friends...

"Alright, fine I'll go with you to the stupid party." I burst out quickly before Taylor's face could drop.


"Oh my gosh, yes! Finally!!" She yelled suddenly, making the entire class go into an awkward silence.

"Ms. Dellinges is there something you'd like to share?" Mrs. Kelly our old prune of a teacher asked with a stern look on her face.

Taylor and I both blushed in embarrassment.

"Er, sorry!" Taylor exclaimed.

We both shared an excited look before going back to our papers while waiting for the bell to ring. Just 2 more minutes...

"I'll come over today after school that way we can get ready together." Taylor whispered across to me

"Sounds like a plan. I'll see you then." I whispered back and smiled.

I'm excited but I feel like tonight will be a long night.. There's only one way to find out I guess though.


Sorry it's been forever since I last wrote. I lost a bit of inspiration but its back now! Love you!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2017 ⏰

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