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'Don't touch them!' Screamed the woman, her eyes bloodshot with tears, and trying fruitlessly to fight back the many men that dragged her towards the prison cells.

The men however continued to pull her away from the 5 children whining tearfully for their mother...


I snorted over my cereal as my phone beeped, containing a text from Misty, explaining how she had, once again, crushed the screen of her IPod whilst playing flappy bird. This was, unfortunately, the third time this month, which I suppose means she's improving, but she still needs to master how to fight the urge to break things when she gets annoyed. Hey, better her IPod screen than someone else's neck right? Joking! Misty is very sweet in reality, but freakily strong, and capable of crushing things, so to her, crushing the screen of her IPod is just a natural occurance. My names Rochelle by the way. But everyone calls me Rocky. Rocky Talon. Yup, thats me. Wierd name you say? Oh, you don't know the half of it...

I quietly finished my breakfast and washed the bowl and spoon I was using for my Cornflakes. I then proceeded to grabbing my bag, checking I had all the items and books I needed for today and headed out the back door. I made sure no-one else was watching me or was around as I entered the disused warehouse which was very conviniently next to where I lived. This was where we kept an ancient, old, rusty Golf, which was currently covered in an interesting pattern of water droplets, courtesy of the torrential rain we had last night. The warehouse roof had about 60 billion holes, explaining the soaking wet vehicle.


I began humming loudly and abnoxiously to a song I heard a few months back, that was repeating itself on the car radio. It was called 'Radioactive' by 'Imagine Dragons'. Please don't ask me how I remembered that, because I would'nt be able to tell you. Eventually, the rusty tin that I called a car, trembled it's way up the hill leading to Ashley and Lola's house, where I spotted them standing on the edge of the pavement, waiting for me.

Ashley was applying lipgloss, looking into a small, heart shaped mirror, while Lola stood in a slightly lopsided manner, texting. They were quite used to me being a bit late, as they knew how cruddy this car was. Luckily, being very understanding friends, they didn't blame me.

I loudly beeped the horn as I approached them, grabbing their attention, before pulling up beside them and finally stopping to a halt. This resulted in a loud exhaust fume to splurt out smoke from the back of the car, but being the rusty piece of s**t it that was, I mentally shrugged and gave them a wave. They both jumped enthusiastically into the back of the car and I rebooted the car to a start.

'Soooooooo? Wazzup guuuurl!?' Yelled Ashley into my ear.

Anyone else would've jumped or most lightly gone deaf, but this was how she greeted me every morning, so I merely shrugged, which made her thump my shoulder.

'Oww! What was that for..?' I moaned massaging my probably bruised bone. And I said Misty was the aggressive one. Ashley may not be as strong as Misty, but her defined, sharp little bones can still cause some agonising pain.

Ashley just giggled and leant back into her seat taking out some cupcake earbuds and shoving them swiftly into her ears. She closed her eyes and started to hum ever so softly to one of the Paramore songs. I glanced over at Lola from the rear- view mirror, who was immersed in some book. Lola always seemed to be immersed in a book, but I suppose she never really was very talky. I guess she's sort of the shy one out of all of us. But, she has a kind heart, so who cares right?

I had now made it past Sasha's house and we were finally on our to Misty's, my last passenger of this morning.

Ashley was still humming to music on her IPod, much louder than before though, and Lola and Sasha were chatting away in the back. Lola had put down her book, and was now leaning on it to talk. Soon enough, it was only me left out of the conversation, as Ashley had finally tugged out her earbuds, and had joined in the gossip.

As I advanced towards Misty's house, I felt a sharp pain in my head.

'Oi, whoever is muttering loudly in their head back there, could you please stop it, I'm driving!' I yelled, keeping my eyes firmly on the road.

'Sorry Geek!' Shouted someone from the back, probably Sasha.

'Ashley shoved me when I said Peter was an attention seeking fat-head.'

I sighed of irritation at this. Ah, how I enjoyed the conversations that my friends and I shared.

'Sasha, it's not kind to insult anothers boyfriend, and Ashley, NO SHOVING!' I bellowed. I liked to be fair when it came to these kind of scenarios. They both scowled and apologised to one another. This was a very typical thing to do, so I didn't register it as a 'falling out'.

Yup, I was right. As I rattled up Misty's lane, they were chatting away again in the back, as if nothing had happened. I smiled to myself.

The car came to halt, as I reached the limit of Misty's driveway, and I wrenched the door opened of the car, causing a sickening crunch of the door rust rubbing again the inside part of the car. See, I wasn't exaggerating when I said this car was ancient.

I walked briskly up the path leading to the front door of her house, before pressing firmly on the grubby doorbell, lingering for a while, then letting go.

I waited perhaps about 8 seconds before Misty appeared at the door wearing a stylishly ripped, black T-Shirt and some skinny, denim jeans with the pattern of chains on them. She was clearly taking advantage of the new policy of non-school-uniform in our school, as were we all.

We all went to one of the cheapest schools in Britain, and most of the poor kids or orphans would be sent there, so most of the children that attended were unable to pay for the uniform. Technically we were all adopted by this point, but we started at that school area from the beginning (since we were orphans) and decided it would be easier just to stay there. The headmaster finally decided that they might as well just cut school uniform from the rules altogether, as it was causing so many problems, and just go for home clothes instead.

She grinned at me before closing the door behind her and walking towards the car, side by side from me. I grinned back and gave her a friendly shove.

'So hows the IPod?' I asked cheekily, just wanting to see her reaction.

She scowled.

'I killed it when that stupid damn bird wouldn't get past level number fricking eight goddamit.'

I laughed think to myself; well that's a sentence I never thought I would hear in my life.

She started laughing too as we clambered into the stuffy transport (if you were kind enough to call it that) and I shoved the keys in ignition, jolting the car into life. It gave a moan in despair as it felt the weight of 5 teenagers inside it, before reluctantly heaving it's way down Misty's lane.

We chatted for the next 3 minutes before I pulled the car up at the edge of a dump, which just so happened to be right next to our school. Pretty convinient I would say.

We walked the rest of the way, which was luckly only about 200 yards, considering it was just around the corner of the dump we had parked the car, and finally, we entered the gates of 'Darwin Secondary School', the place where all the misfits went.

Yup this was the place for us.


Thank you for reading chapter 1! If you are confused about some things, don't worry, because it will all be explained in the next chapter....

This book is dedicated to all my friends, but this chapter is specifically dedicated to Megan, the friend who bugged me for about 5 HOURS to start to write this ;) Hahaha nah luv u Meg

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Byeeeeeeeee :) xxxx

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