The first day #1

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Kirkir PoV (yes I did just call myself Kirkir)

(also this is the 3th fanfic im writing about my friends. Srsly I keep switching teams so imma wrote this so no matter what happens it still makes sense)

no... Not school... No..... No.... I don't wanna go.... No... Gimme summer..... No... scho- OUCH!

I yelped in pain. I looked over to find the source of the pain to see my wing for caught on something... Urgh... The struggle... I carefully ran my fingers through the thick layer of feathers slowly pulling on it trying to unhook ot from whatever it got stuck on. As soon as I got it loose I practiced folding it again. It still hurt but I knew it would be over soon. I walked downstairs, ate some breakfast and got ready. (in this story I live alone bc yeah.... Idk ^^') and I started getting ready.

Hoodie, check

Beanie, check

Piercings, check

And emo makeup

More than check...

I grabbed my bag and went out the door... I spread my wings and flew to school.

*getting there*

As I got there I realised what class I would be in. I folded up my wings again and walked into the school. I had a completely different class compared to some of the others... I had flight practice and magic abilities as an extra. Considering the abilities with my eyes and my wings. Also I would have to practice controlling my evil side in class.... If that's would work? I have no idea... *sigh* but I guess I have to try. First i had magic abilities class. I walked in.

I took a seat beside another student. She smiled and focused again. I noticed her cat ears and different colours of both eyes like me. The teacher started introducing herself and after the whole introduction thing we needed to lift a pen with our magic.

I tried to focus as a smoke trail escaped my navy blue eye as the pen levitated off the desk. And just to be a showoff I let the pen spin around. The girl sitting next to me did the same. She just didn't have the smoke trail leaving her eye. As she smiled she let the pen spin around too... Oh... Challenge accepted.

I thought to myself as I levitated more pens and let them fly around in a trail. She smirked back and also levitated more pens and made them balance on each other and fold into certain animals. I knew I needed to step up my game if I was going to show how good I was at magic. I pulled my beanie down a little and made a little house with the pens. Then I felt a pen hit me in the back of the head ! "ouch! What the-"

I turned around to see a girl holding her hand in front of her mouth. She had black hair, with a purple and pink streak. Ears and a unicorn horn... She focused as the horn started lighting up and the pencil that had just hit me in the head started floating in the air and heading towards her desk.

The teacher was didn't even realise anything that happened and was reading a book. The girl whispered "sorry" and continued trying to levitate the pencil.

As we walked out of class after the lesson had ended I started checking my phone walking to my gym class... I saw the girl sitting next to me and the girl who shot an pencil at my face both head of to the ground gym. I took the stairs to the flight gym. Ad I git there I could tell by the teacher this wouldn't be easy. Her wings were tiny and I was taller than her but the determination on her face proved that she wasn't someone to mess with.

The class was long and tough... I couldn't feel my wings nor my legs after. Then it was lunch time. I flew down with the last strength my wings still had. I saw the same girl I sat next to in magic abilities together with another girl who didn't have wings nor any trace of magic abilities.... But still looked like she did.... I continued writing my story as I levitated my lunch and took a bite out of it.

She saw me and her cat ears flinched back as she started preforming tricks with magic again. Her friends seriously confused on what she was trying to achieve.

I just rolled my eyes and continued typing. Then a note levitated over folded up. I carefully unfolded it with my magic cause I was too lazy to use my hands as I read

come sit here-

I stared confused at the paper as the girl pointed at the table. I looked at her with the 'who, Me?' Face and she nodded. I teleported over without anyone noticing. "she is there that trail of smoke in your eye when you use magic?" She said confused. I lifted up my shoulders proving that I had no idea. " oh wait, sorry. I didn't get the chance to tell you during magic abilities but my name is Kelsey! You?" She asked me " Kirsten, but my nicknames Kir" I said, levitating my lunch and letting it fly in the air. "your eye is really strange, are you evil?" Her friend asked. She had dark black hair with purple at the ends and a spider hoodie. "nah, im not evil, just different and strange" I said, unfolding my wings a bit allowing them to crack and not be so stiff from gym. "oh my name is Taya btw" she added after a while. "oh, nice to meet you ^^" I responded back "are you going to be at magic abilities expert?" Kelsey asked.

I gulped and looked down. Normally it sounds like a cool titel but it isn't a class you want to be in... Its basically the class where we are in an inclosed space and students with too much power can test there abilities. It isn't fun. "y-yeah..." I stuttered " awe don't be upset about it. I might need to go there as well... Because I think I can try and use all of my magic... But im not sure if its a good idea." "welp, I guess you cant know untill you try right?" I said, trying to boost her confidence "yeah, I guess" then the bell rang. Great. Not time for that class... I waived them goodbye as they had another class.

As i headed for my class i saw a huge magical forcefield... It was probably to keep students like me with overmighty power from destroying the entire school. I took a deel breathe and walked through the forcefield. They did something with the bubble so only kids signed up for the class cam pass through... Our teacher introduced herself and we started. I thought by sitting at the end of the line i was last. But she made me go first. I gulped and pulled my beanie down further over my head. I went to the center of the room. " go on, try" i gulped and closed my eyes focusing. The smoke trailed in both my eyes. My hair changed colour. Dark brown with black and red at the end. I opened my eyes and spread my wings who now turned into dragon wings. No feathers, just flesh and bones....

Then everything went black....

Haaaaiiiya! Thats my first part of my story! I hope you have enjoyed this chapter! New one out soon!!!

See ya later peeps!

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