part 2: a different friend

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i landed back onto the ground and stared at my hand turning it around. calming down a little, i may have had an evil mindset but atleast it wasnt Galactic night. that would have been a disaster... i felt chains lock around my wrists and i remebered, i could be a threat to anyone here. i stared at the teacher, my right eye glowing.

' good for the first time, change back please'

i nodded and focused again, my hair went back to its half galactic normal state and i turned back to normal.i went back to my seat and stared down at the floor. Pondering if i should mention Galactic night. its already rare enough to have the abilty to turn into an evil version but having 3 is a case no one has ever seen. The only one who knew were my parents. But even when they saw my first evil side i was forced to go away from them in case of being a 'threat' and was moved here as an orphan.

all the other students have parents and moved here to train and use the abilities. i, dont have them. and ive been alone ever since they left. In a small apartment down the street on my own. After seeing a few others morph into evil states and being chained up and watched close, I realised Tate was there too. But there turn wasnt today... the class ended and we went home. i saw Kelsey and Taya walking home too and i waived to them but then continued on my own. as i walked outtof school property i saw a tiny cardbord box by the side. Curiousity led me to the box, i leaned over to see what was inside...

A tiny blue creature, with a fluffy red tail and red spikes with little red dragon wings stared up at me, a tiny fang sticking out of his mouth. i couldnt help but awe at the tiny creature. then almost right after the rain stared pouring down. The tiny dragon curling up in the box shaking. i used my magic to take off my coat and wrapped it around him. then i picked him up and held him close.

'HEY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOURE DOING?? PUT HIM DOWN' a voice yelled, a tall man appeared with a few stains on his clothes

'why... it was out in the rain and freezing if you dont do anything itll die-'

'THE SOONER IT DOES THE BETTER! HES A FAILED EXPERIMENT! YOU CAN HAVE IT IF YOU WANT! DISGUSTING CREATURE!'  he screamed, and almost like the dragon understood he shed a tear. breaking my heart. the man walked off and the dragon curled upto me.

*im listening to 'youll be in my heart' now and omg im in tears ;-; if you want extra feels put that song on *

'hey, its ok. ill take care of ya' i softly said, he stared up and smiled. i held him tightly and started walking home to my apartment. i opened the door to my tiny, but warm apartment. i unwrapped my coat from him as he stumbled on the floor, looking around. buzzing his wings jumping. i smiled and walked over to the fridge to find something for the tiny dragon.

i found a carrot.

'meh, itll do i guess' i closed the fridge. he still stumbled around the house finding his way around. then he sneezed, setting the carpet on fire  -_-

i grabbed some water ad put it out. looking at the young dragon. he stumbled back, guilt filling his eyes. i picked him up and nuzzled him scratching his head.

'i think ill call you, drago.' i smiled

his wings buzzed as he smiled. He gave him the carrot, he looked at it like it was poison. but he slowly took a bite and before i knew it he held the carrot in his claws and nommed it . i laughed and went to the table to draw a little, putting the tiny drago beside me. still nomming his carrot like there was no tomorrow.

i just giggled at him. and stared drawing and humming songs. and i realised

'i wasnt alone anymore...'

i started crying a little, which Drago realised. he hopped up to me and wiped my tears away trying not to scratch me with his claws. I hugged him and smiled.

i looked up at the time, it was already quite late, so i went to bed. Drago jumped up on the bed and curled into a ball by my feet. i quickly dosed off.

The next morning like always i got up and ready for school. atleast i didnt have to unhook my wings from anything! i gave Drago a carrot and almost stepped outtof the door. but looked back to Drago. and i quickly put him in my backpack, but i left it open so he could pop his head out. which he did. i picked my backpack up and flew off to the school. pushed Drago into the bag a little so no one would see him. I flew through the doors and landed safely. I heard some laughing from the side. I turned around to see a group of teenage guys laughing at me.

'Oh look! She's one of the SPECIAL girls with her two different eyes' I rolled my eyes and kept walking.

' oh look! She even carries a plushie dragon around!!!!'

A tall guy with pak brown hair snatched Drago out of my bag. He did look like a plushie though. He was so shocked he didn't even dare to move.

'HEY!!! give him back' as I tried to snatch Drago back but he held on tight. Then Drago had enough as well, biting into his hand,making the boy screech

' AHH what the- OH YOURE SO DONE FOR' he said, running to the principals office, a little blood fell onto the floor from his hand. I held Drago close to me, no one will ever take him again. But before I knew it Drago was in the arms of the teachers and I had me hands cuffed up on my back. Getting pushes into the principals office. When we get there I took a seat beside the boy, who still looked pissed at me and Drago. The principal stood up and announced

"Since you, Kirsten. Have committed the crime of taking a living being with you to school-

The boy snickered softly, but loud enough for the principal to hear

"SILENCE! and you David have joined in with this bullying, you will both clean the schools lobby floor after hours, I expect to see you back" I nodded as I give Drago a look of 'it will be ok' as he was now locked into a cage. Classes flew by and at after the last class of the day I headed back to the office. The boy waiting for me.
"Alright, the sooner its done the sooner you can go home" I threw a glims at Drago, he was fast asleep in his cage.

I grabbed a broom and started cleaning. I couldn't use my magic so that was a waste but at least I got some work done. The boy on the other hand sat in the corner scrubbing the same spot mumbling to himself.

" The floor won't clean itself yknow" I said in a sassy voice, he looked up and ran to me grabbing me by my chin and leaning me against the wall.
"Ok, you've done enough today. If your stupid dragon didn't bite me I wouldn't be here" he let go, as my head slammed slightly against the wall.

"Heh, hey I never got your name, I wasn't paying attention during the principals speech I'm Kirsten or Kir for short" I said, taking out my hand to shake his hand.
He groaned and mumbled "Dave." I shook his hand and smiled, he sounded British, ugh typical...

"Can I ask you how the hell you got a dragon as a pet?" He said

I smiled and explained him the whole story. Before I knew it we started talking like we were good friends. And we got the lobby cleaned up in no time. I waived goodbye to him and ran to the principals office to get Drago. He was still fast asleep. I picked him up and flew back home. Giving him his carrots. He woke up to the smell and munched down on them. I laughed and decided to go to bed... Once again...

Boy what a day...




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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 26, 2016 ⏰

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