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I Shouldn't be surprised.This is something that Mia would do.... its only natural.

My eyes flicker to Jaden for a moment. I'm not sure why but this doesn't feel right while he's here. His left hand are in a fist but he continues texting. He doesn't even care.

I stand up not facing anyone and follow Mia to her designated closet with Danny hot on my trails.

"She's not getting in there." Jaden bellows after a while.

Mia rolls her eyes and turns to Jaden"Why not? A dare's a dare."

"I don't care, you're only doing this so it'll get to me."

"Its not like she's rightfully yours" She laughs bitterly " She's not fighting it."

"She doesn't want t-"

"It's fine. Plus she right." I say and turn my heels on him and open the closet's door.

Jaden doesn't own me. We are nothing but confusion.

The taste in my mouth gets bitter, and I reach over to Emily for her cup, it's not helping...

I sit in one edge of the closet, pulling my knees to my chest and drumming my fingers on the floors tile.

"Are you coming?" Danny has been standing in the door way looking back and forth from me and Jaden,a worried expression on his face.

He purses his lips into a thin line and sits across from me.

"Have fun." Mia giggles.

Danny looks at Jaden one more time to catch a hard glare.

"Ignore him" I nudge him and wait for the door to close.

"So what are we suppose to do?" I say when the door locks.

"You dont know this game?"

"Of course I do ,but I don't think its right."

He pouts slightly at my words "why not?"

"It just isn't"

"Is it Jaden..." he stops when he sees me cringe." We can talk about it.. if you want."

"Its a girl thing." I laugh nervously

He doesn't give up."You can tell me."

"I just dont know...If I can trust him y'know?" I smile weakly."Can I tell you something?"

His smile comforts me"Sure."

"Promise not to tell anyone?"

He sticks out his pinky in a lame attempt to lighten the mood,"Pinky swear." I lock my smallest finger with his.

I have never, ever told anyone about my past. It haunts me that I've been through broken hearts, shame and pain in my short 16 years of living.

"It all started in 9th grade, When I thought someone loved me. I was stupid." I blink the threatening tears away .I don't have to tell him the whole story but for some reason I trust Danny.

"He was popular. I was average and had a crush on him for 2 years straight." I was never alright with moving, but when my dad stated that we'd move across the country I had felt so relieved and happy for the first time due to my dad's actions.

"He told everyone in School about my secrets., about how I'm different from everyone else, how Insecure I am, And how I was hiding behind all this pride." my breath hitches. "They stared at me, called me a freak, bullied me... just for letting my guard down."

Pros and cons // Jaden SmithWhere stories live. Discover now