First class

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There will be different ships of different shows.Also don't watch the video if you don't want to see anything graphic....or just don't read the story THERE WILL BE SMUT IN LATER CHAPTERS .YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.● 3

Third person POV
Mikasa woke up after a restless night of sleep of tossing and turning.She had been thinking about her classes that she had the first day of college.She had spent the entire day before unpacking and buying supplies and food for the week.She clumsily got out of bed only in gray boxer shorts and a gray sports bra. She made her way to the bathroom striping of her cloths and turning the water on and got in.She washed her hair and cleaned herself and turned the shower off stepping out onto the bathroom floor.She dies off using the towel on the rack walking to her room picking out cloths.She wore black high top converse,black skinny jeans,a black tank to with a red plaid over top of it.She wore her blood red scarf around her neck.Mikasa had gray eyes and short raven hair.she grabbed her phone and put her book bag on.

She started to walk to the school.She was supposed to get a roommate during the first week of school.The dorms where only a 15 minute walk away from the school.Mikasa kept her eyes straight,walking to her classes trying to get there early so she could get a seat in the back.Class didn't start for another 10 minutes when she reached the classroom so she say in the back and took out a sketch book and stated to draw.She drew weird symbols she sometimes saw when she slept.One had two swords,the next one had a unicorn,the next had two wings one blue the other white,and the last one had two swords crossing each other.

When Mikasa finished drawing and looked up she saw that people started to show up and fill the empty seats.Mikasa had hoped that no one weird would sit by her.The bell had rung and some students came running in going to the first empy seat they had seen.The class was Mikasa's favourite class which was art.Mikasa loved to draw.It helps her calm down and let things go.She sometimes drew something if it bothered her for a while.In art they had to draw something that had meaning to the artist.The teacher,Ms.Hanji,had said that it was due at the end of the year.

The rest of the day went by quickly and when the final bell rang she started to walk to the entrance of the school but was stopped by Ms.Hanji.Ms.Hanji looked exited,which scared Mikasa a little bit,"we are going to have a new student tomorrow and I was wondering if you could show her around?"Ms.Hanji said smiling weirdly.Mikasa looked at her with a poker face and Ms.Hanji pouted,"fine"Mikasa sighed."YAAAY"Ms.Hanji squealed scaring Mikasa a little by her outburst.Mikasa sighed walking to her dorm room.Once Mikasa entered her dorm she went straight to bed.She had a long day and was exhausted.She took a quick shower and set her alarm for 5:00 in the morning.She laid in bed and listened to music until she fell into a deep sleep.

Hey guys comment and review and tell me how I did so far,all is appreciated, thanks.I will update soon and keep this story going for a while but I might start others to

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