chapter one

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Before ya read, LemonLime7 was a HUGE help for this! Thank you so much!
I looked around again and again, just waiting for my friend Jonah to show up. I had been waiting for at least five minutes to meet up with him so we could walk to school together like we usually do. He was sometimes a minute or two late, but this was an abnormally long time for him to be late. If I don't get going soon, I'll be tardy. I thought to myself.

So, I started walking... Just thinking about how today would go. I'm your classic clumsy kid. I always mess up stuff, whether it's from getting distracted by something, or by just not paying attention. People tease the crap out of me too. So, my school life is pretty bad. I also get my height shoved in my face. People make sure that I know how tall I am. 1.6 meters tall (5 feet, three inches approximately) in 11th grade, I have to look up at everyone whenever I talk to them.

Then there's my friends. My friends mostly consists of the people who also get picked on for various reasons. For example, My friend Samantha probably gets the worst of it. She gets picked on for being an "emo" by a lot of people. She's tried suicide a few times, but it never worked. I've tried my best to comfort her through tough times.

Krista gets picked on for being actually diagnosed with OCD, people will drive her crazy by setting things just a little bit off. So that she'll go nuts trying to fix it. And Jonah is my main friend, he gets teased because he's gay. I don't really care about his sexuality, he's still an amazing friend.

My mind went back to reality once I reached the school that I went to. There was usually one kid who'd insult me at the doors of the school. Yet, when I passed by him, he didn't even look at me. He just kept talking to a small group of his friends. They were talking about something that they had seen on the news.

I walked past them and into the school, and it seemed like almost everyone was talking about the same thing that the other kids were talking about inside. I was trying to piece together conversations to make sense of this, but everything was too jumbled up to understand. All I heard was "Toby", "fire", and "murder".
Well, that's the first chapter, just like an introduction to the characters and not meant to progress the plot really, hope ya enjoyed M8s!


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