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The next afternoon, there was a knock at the apartment door. Jared was in for his nap, and Rose and Hannah decided to go food shopping, so it was only Scarlett home.

A light groan escaped her lips as she put down her cup of water, and paused her current episode and went to fetch the door.

Scarlett swung open the door and Luke stood behind it with a slight grin on his face. Behind him stood a girl with dark hair and about 4 inches taller than Scar. Recognizing the girl from the pictures, she remembered Michael's warning and all she could think as; "Oh shit."

"Hi, Scar." Luke greeted, his hands crossed in front of him instead of on his girlfriend.

"Oh, Hey, Luke. I didn't think you were coming today." Scarlett breathed out, leaning against the door frame.

"Yeah, sorry about that." Luke smiled gently, then he gestured to Arzaylea behind him, "This is Arz-"

He didn't get to finish even saying her name because she pushed past him, making a loud squeal and wrapping Scarlett in a tight embrace. Scar stood there shocked for a second and sent Luke a wide-eyed panic look before hesitantly hugging the stranger back.

Arzaylea pulled away with a wide smile on her face, she saw Scarlett's  panicked yet confused expression and her wide smile only dropped a bit. "Oh, sorry, that was a bit creepy of me. I'm Arzaylea."


"I already know that! Luke has told me so much about you."

Fucking great.

Scarlett glanced back at Luke, trying to force a smile on her face, "Really, is that so?"

Arzaylea nodded eagerly, which only creeped Scarlett out more, "He's also told me about your son, so where is he?"

Scar knitted her eyebrows together, confused on why Luke would even mention her son to someone she's never met before, "He's sleeping."

Luke looked uncomfortable from behind Arzaylea, so Scarlett invited Arzaylea to sit down while she would go get drinks for the both of them. She motioned to Luke to follow her into the kitchen, so he did.

Getting mugs out of the cabinet she handed it to Luke, mumbling so Arzaylea wouldn't hear, "I can't believe you."

Luke sent her a confused glance but he knew what she was talking about, "What? Why?"

Scarlett shot him a murderous look at poured coffee into both of the mugs. "I don't know, Luke, oh wait, maybe it's because you told a girl I don't even know about my personal life."

"It seemed a good idea at the time." Luke mumbled, his eyes glancing to the ground.

Scarlett rolled her eyes, "You always were an idiot."

Handing Luke his mug, Scar walked into the living room with Arzaylea's mug and handed it off to her and sat down on a different couch.

Scarlett pulled out her phone from her back pocket and sent a quick text to Michael reading; "Arzaylea is at my apartment send help."

The room was silent and the air was thick with awkwardness. None of them really had a conversation topic in their head, mostly because they were afraid to make thing more awkward. Which was basically impossible by this point.

Breathing in deeply, Scarlett broke the silence and asked; "So, what are you guys doing here anyway?"

Before Luke could answer. Arzaylea spoke for him. "I just wanted to meet you, Luke talked about you to Mikey and I just wanted to see you for myself."

Flashback ≫ l.h sequel to Away (slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now