Chapter 13

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Outside the field room, I find myself in the hallway where the officers disappeared into. At this hour, it's crowded with people leaving their work stations.

I wouldn't have seen which neighboring hallway they had disappeared into if it wasn't for Tyler dropping his hat and turning around to pick it up. His movement catches my eye right before they disappear around the corner.

I follow them into several hallways, nervous that someone behind the mirrors will notice my irregular route. After a minute, I realize that I've never been in this part of Indigne before. My hands start to become sweaty and a bad taste forms in my mouth. Maybe I should go back.

No. I've come too far to go back now. There were a few officers that gave me some weird glances while walking past me, but that was it. Nothing that means red flag.

Besides, I have an assignment and that is to figure out who are the most important and in-the-know officers. I can already assume Tyler because he knows of the outside world. Also, the other officers treat him with authority and respect.

They enter a locked room and I can't follow them any further. I walk past the door seemingly unfazed and once I'm at the end of the hallway I look around confused and turn back around. When I'm within eyesight of the door, but far enough away so that I'm not suspicious, I stop and lean against the wall to read. I stay there for half an hour. Nothing happens. It's almost curfew so I go home and count my losses.

Every day during the next week I repeat going to the field and the locked room.

After watching many officers go in and out, the leaders grow to be obvious; they are the ones directing the other officers into the room. There are three that I know of: Tyler, a black haired girl Raven, and another male officer by the name of Jet.

To whom or what they were reporting to was a mystery to me until yesterday when their boss finally emerges from the secret room. He is treated with the utmost respect and always has his top three officers by his side. I wonder why I haven't seen him before. He doesn't look a day past thirty and yet somehow he gives off the vibe of being very aged and crippled.

I don't like him. From the very first time I saw him I felt something off about him. Call it some evil energy or something--I can't explain it. The way he talks to Tyler and the other officers gives me the creeps. On the surface it would seem like a completely normal conversation, but every time this man would open his mouth, I would get a slimy and gross feeling tingling about my insides.

The other officers tend to be the power hungry kinds that will follow Raven, Tyler, or Jet around like a dog, hoping that they'll be awarded a treat.

They all disgust me except for Tyler. For some reason I can't shake the feeling that somehow I can trust him. But I remind myself that I can't think that way. It would be idiotic and potentially lethal for me to disclaim anything to a top officer--no matter who it is.

Saving Annabelजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें