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As I looked down, I noticed how far away I was from the ground.

'Oh, how strange. I don't remember being this far away from the ground.' I thought to myself.

"Hey! Get out of the way!" A small voice yelled out. I looked up and noticed that it was coming from a bird and he was heading in my direction. That is when i noticed that i had grown 10 extra feet!

As I was trying to figure out what was happening, I felt, what seemed like, needles hitting my back. I turned around to be greeted by a flock of angry birds. They were unable to stop in time to prevent themselves from running into me. They all seemed livid that I interrupted their journey, so they began attacking me. I tried shooing them away, but it was no use.

'I hate being tall! I wish I was short again!' I thought.Then I remembered that I had the other piece of the mushroom in my right hand. I took a small bite out of it and waited with my eyes closed. When I opened them back up, I was was back to my normal size.

"I will never complain about being short ever again!" With that, I was on my way to find that beautiful garden.

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