After Life

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I get the feeling of being watched so I close my blinds. I go to sleep and see these bright green eyes looking at me. They move closer and closer to me. I scream and a hand is put on my mouth. A sharp pain shoots through my body as something is ripped out of my stomach. I hear a laughter and they lift their hand off my mouth. They shove something into my mouth. Something wet and salty.
"Eat it."
I chew it up and immediately feel disgusted.

I finished feeding her her own kidney and shove more of her body parts into her mouth. She eats it.

She dies soon after. I take out the rest of her organs and move them to the floor to spell something.
I got a call late that night about some girl who died. I arrive at the scene and go into the girl's room. The girl lies on her bed, with her stomach ripped open, dead. On the floor is her organs what spell out something horrid.....

She's perfect now.

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