no hidden identities

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who are you? 

false identifications and surgeries,

to replace who you once were, 

and renew you into who you desire to be..

must elude, for all eternity.

it is true, that I refuse to share matter with anyone who is untrue,

I am allowing this clean slate for you,

who are you, truly??

I mean, I understand that your twitter and instagram displays

a being that is pleasant and full of happy days,

satisfies dreams, fantasies; the icing on the cake.

until the sun falls, the moon appears,

and next to one another, we lie and lay our heads,

will I realize that your eyes are mundane and dim.

you persist in deceiving me, saying that you're tired, is all,

two weeks ago, on the fourteenth, I received a call,

giving a heads up that you were a lame in disguise,

hidden behind bright eyes and a warm smile.

as you are aware,

the premeditated events, from you, forever more would have escaped me,

yet I sincerely was me,

in addition to intentions, you retained a hidden identity.

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