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Santana's P.O.V
I was getting on the plane with Brittany ready to surprise him
Phone Call:
Sebastian:hey Iris where should I meet you?
Iris:I'll be at Jitters
Sebastian:alright see you there
Iris:okay bye
End of phone call
Santana's P.O.V
We finally arrived to Central City and I was ready to surprise Sebastian
"Do you know at what hotel he is staying?"~Brittany
"Should we go see him now?"~Brittany
"Yeah let's go"~Santana
After we arrived to the hotel we knocked on Sebastian's door and nobody answered so I saw a guy next door and asked him if he knew where Sebastian was
"Hi im Santana" I say smiling
"Im Cisco" he says
"Nice to meet you Cisco"~Santana
"Nice to meet you to,so what brings you here?"~Cisco
"Im actually looking for my boyfriend,he is staying here,do you know him?"~Santana
"Is it Sebastian?"~Cisco
"Yeah,do you know where he is?"~Santana
"Not really but I can help you find him"~Cisco
"Yeah I would love that,thank you"~Santana
"No problem Santana"~Cisco
"Im Brittany"~Brittany
"Im Cisco"~Cisco
"Nice to meet you"~Brittany
"Nice to meet you to"~Cisco
"So should we start looking?"~Santana
"Yes,we should"~Cisco
"So where should we start looking?"~Brittany
"Well there is a coffee place near here so we can go look there"~Cisco
"What's it called?"~Brittany
"Yeah let's go"~Santana
"He is not here"~Santana
"Where should we go now?"~Brittany
"Well we could go to the theater but I don't think he is going to be there"~Cisco
"Let's go anyways"~Santana
"Well okay"~Cisco
"San,I found Sebastian"~Brittany
"Brittany tell me where"~Santana
"I can't tell you"~Brittany
"I know why she can't tell you"~Cisco
"Why Cisco?why?"~Santana
"Look over there"~Cisco
Santana looks to where Sebastian is and what she see's breaks her heart into a million pieces

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Sebastian!"~SantanaSebastian stops kissing Iris"What are you doing here Santana!?"~Sebastian"I think the better question is what are you doing kissing that bitch!"~Santana"Sebastian what's going on?"~Iris"Shut up you lit...

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Sebastian stops kissing Iris
"What are you doing here Santana!?"~Sebastian
"I think the better question is what are you doing kissing that bitch!"~Santana
"Sebastian what's going on?"~Iris
"Shut up you little bitch!"~Santana
"Santana calm down"~Sebastian
"Don't ever talk to me again Sebastian"~Santana
"But San let me explain"~Sebastian
"No and don't call me San"~Santana
"But Santana"~Sebastian

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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