Chapter 2

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Madison's POV

It finally changed to 2nd period. I walk in and of course hunter had the same class . I just ran to my seat and sat down . The seat to the right of me was opened. Of course he came and sat right beside me. I looked up and he looked at me .

The teacher passed out a partner assignment. she assigned me and Hunter and so I told him to meet me after school at my house. 

It was lunch time by then so we all went to our table. The new girl faithlyn and the boys sat with us. There was no where for them to sit so we just let them sit with us.

Faithlyn's POV

Blake won't stop looking at me. I have every class with him . I mean I can't say that he doesn't look bad I mean 😍 but I don't think he's my type. I'm in to the bad boys with bad habits . I think all of these girls are to .

* skips rest of the day *

Madison's POV

I penny board home and go strait up to my room. I fall asleep . I wake up because hunter was in my window seat type thing. He was waiting for me. He was only here for 5 Minutes . I look at my phone and get up.

" hunter I'm sorry I was tired I had a long day "

" it's okay we can start it tomorrow but I'll get the some things and do some of the research "

" okay I'll do the same " I tell him

" okay " he says hopping up heading toward my door.

" hunter.......thanks ....thank you for working with me .I'm sorry I was tired . I'm sorry I fell asleep "

He walked over and sat on my bed with me and grabbed my hand .

" it's okay "

And he left.

I go down stairs and get something to eat and I go back up stairs and fall back to sleep.


Sorry guys this is a really short chapter . I will try to update again tomorrow night but I don't know if I I can but I will try . Thanks you guys for reading. Vote , comment, and follow me 😍


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