Chapter 1: Chase's Nightmare

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I woke up from a terrible nightmare. I opened my capsule and walked to the elevator I stepped in, and go upstairs. Once I was upstairs I looked at the clock on the wall 4:44! Mr. Davenport will be up soon. I go and sit on the couch, pull the couch blanket on me and turn the tv on. Soon I heard footsteps behind me and I turn around to see Mr. Davenport walking down the stairs

"Chase? Why are you up so early?"

"I couldn't sleep."

"Really? I know your lying."

"Fine. I had a nightmare."

"Wanna talk about it?"

"I'd rather not."

"It'll make you feel better."

"Fine. I had a nightmare to where Douglas started working with Gisele and they kill Adam, Bree and Leo."

After I told Mr. Davenport that I looked up and had a sympathetic smile on his face. I looked back down and closed my eyes shut, trying not to cry. But it wad too late I already felt the tears rolling down my face. Then I felt Mr. Davenport sit down beside me and pulled me to his chest.


I pulled Chase to my chest and let him cry for as long as he needed to. Once he stopped crying I told him "Chase. It was a nightmare, nothing bad is going to happen to Adam, Bree and Leo. Not even you.... Do you feel better now?" I felt Chase nod in my chest "come on let's take you to bed." I picked him up bridal style and carried him to my room on the island.

I laid him down and noticed that he was already asleep. I kissed his forehead and laid down beside him. I put my arm around him and he cuddled in my chest again. I smiled and fell asleep.

AN: so there's chapter one and I will eventually make a Star Wars Rebels Kanan/Ezra Master/Padawan one-shot. Just not now because I need Ideas for that one. But for now I will continue to update this book every Monday and Friday. Thanks for reading and more to come. 

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