Chapter 1

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Not all Demi-gods know that they're Demi-gods, in fact more than half of them don't know they're Demi-gods. Atalanta was one of them, she thought that she was just another high school junior. She studied and hung out with friends and she never broke curfew on a school night, but she always knew that she didn't fit in, didn't belong in this world. She knew with out a doubt that she was different than everyone else, that she just was not sure how. Then she found out in the most surprising way.

One day after school Atalanta was sitting in the living room reading a book when the TV suddenly turned itself on. She looked up and it was on the history channel and it was playing a documentary on the Greek gods and goddesses. She had no idea how the TV had just magically turned itself on, at first she thought she was sitting on it and when she moved she had hit the on switch, but the remote was on the coffee table a few feet away. She couldn't explain it and wasn't sure she really wanted to. Then it switched over to the weather channel and they were talking about weather in Chicago, now she was really starting to freak out and not in a good way. She reached for the remote and turned the TV off, but even as she put the remote back down the magazine flew open causing her to jump half way off the couch. It landed on an article about the windy city. Even through her freak out Atalanta knew she had to go to Chicago, now, it was very important, but how was she going to get there.

Going 65 down a stretch of interstate where the speed limit was 55 was pushing his limits a little to far. Zareck liked going fast, real fast, and he didn't give a shit if the law was not on his side. He knew that he was not going to get pulled over, this strip of interstate was closed due to construction and the construction workers had the day off. So it was abandoned for the day.

He had to blow off steam before he went home. His mom was going to yell at him for skipping school today. She had thought after two years that her baby boy had had changed his ways. He had, but today wasn't like any normal day, he felt compelled to stay in his car, like if he didn't he would miss something important. So he had stayed in the car pretty much all day, only leaving to go to the bathroom or to stretch his legs. He had learned along time ago to trust his gut, and when he didn't bad things happened.

As he was going around the last turn the radio station changed to a report on the Chicago Bears, then to a weather station in Chicago. Zareck was shocked, nothing like this had ever happened to him. His gut started talking to him again, it was telling him that Chicago was where he needed to be,so that was where he was going. As soon as he went home first, he would not tell his mom that he was going, he knew that she would just fight him on it and he really didn't want to fight. He just needed to grab some clothes before he took off. He was going to the windy city, he just didn't know why.

Landon wasn't sure why but he knew something big was going to happen today. As the day had progressed he just couldn't shake the feeling that something major was going to happen, and soon. He was home studying for a big chemistry test when the big thing he had been waiting for happened. He was right in the middle of studying ions when his laptop came on to a website of the tv listings and local events for Chicago. Then it clicked over to a map to Chicago, telling him that what he was looking for was in Chicago.

Landon had known for a long time that he would have to leave his home for an important. He just hadn't thought it would be during his junior year of high school. He didn't want to leave his friends and family, but he knew he didn't have a choice in the matter. Turning on his printer he printed out the map to Chicago, then started packing what little he would take with him. He would leave first thing tomorrow morning, tonight he would spend time with his family saying goodbye without saying a word.

Gabriel, Lillian, and Thea all knew about the three demigods that were being called to Chicago. They also knew about all six of them being demigods, and why they were being called. Something bad was happening in their world, and only the six of them could save it.

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