Winters' Sun of Bliss

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The sun is rising, casting beauty,
Slowly ascending in its tour of duty.
Orange and yellow smeared with blue
Create a bold and heavenly hue.
A glorious mural for majestic trees,
Outstretched limbs await spring leaves.
Orange turns to yellow, yellow to white,
The sky brightens, the end out of sight.
Too soon the sun is high overhead,
"The days are too short" it is often said.
From there it begins its descending arc,
A mere few hours 'til it's totally dark.
But, before it has a chance to disappear,
How beautiful the colors that will appear.
Purple, pink, orange, red and blue,
Washing the sky, the colors askew.
A wondrous sight that doesn't long.
Though always different, it's never wrong.
Fading now, off stage our star has gone,
Last act, final curtain, 'til tomorrows dawn.
More fascinating than words could ever speak,
Each sunrise and sunset are stunningly unique.

Written - 01/2000

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