A Bridge too Weak

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On the path I chose just happens to be
A bridge too weak to walk upon.
It's sure to be where I am going
And it's been where I have gone.
Sometimes I've chosen to detour
When I feel I am too weak,
For fear if I stay upon my path
The bridge will crumble beneath my feet.

At times I've tried to run across
Planks falling where I have tread.
No looking back, no going back,
I fear I can only look ahead.
I must look only to the future now
And leave that part of my past.
Those bridges have fallen long ago
And new ones have formed at last.

I must choose my bridges carefully
And know where they will lead.
When a bridge begins to tremble
I will know to pay it heed.
Listen closely to this message
When faced with choices my friend.
There are thousands of bridges to cross
And your journey will never end.

Written - 10/22/2000

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