Chapter One

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It started in my head, like most things do. Doubt.

But what was there to doubt? The neighbors, students, and police were off my back, which was good, I guess. There wasn't enough evidence to connect to anything I couldn't handle, and I had finally convinced a decent amount of doctors and cops and shrinks that I was mentally stable.

Yet, in the back of my mind was worry --a trait of my mother's, unfortunately-- that something was missed. Something could be found and I could be dragged from the only home I've ever known into jail. Or prison. Or a mental institute.

I don't wanna go to a mental institute.

"Mistress?" The familiar English accent I'd grown accustomed to had spoken up, sending my train of thought off course.

"Have I been dozing off again, Adrian?"

He nodded. "I can hear them too, you know." He mentioned, with a small grin. "Your thoughts aren't the quietest."

"You can hear everything?" I asked Adrian, who had been sitting beside me. Although he was new to the Earth's physical form, he managed to figure out tree climbing and walking and, for some reason, cooing like a pigeon.

"Right now, yes. But that's only because you're feeling very strongly about something." Then he asks with a tone of concern, "You have doubts?"

I heavily sighed, massaging my temples with my cool fingertips. My abilities -and the weather- made my hands very cold and I don't know why. At least it cooled my head. "They've looked everywhere. Home, the neighborhood, school..."

"Mistress," he scooted closer to me. "There is no proof against you. You're fine."

"But there's no proof that I'm innocent!" I whispered in panicked frustration. "There's nothing pointing to anyone else. I'm all they've got!"

"But they couldn't find anything." Adrian assured me with a smile that didn't help.

"But I'm their only lead. I have no alibi, I have an mislead eyewitness, and on top of that, I've got at least six months of school left. I will not last that long." I pulled my knees to my chest and hugged them. "I'm going to be cuffed and driven off to prison before I finish my history project."

"Mistress, you need to relax for a moment." He said as a cold breeze shook the leaves on the tree we were sitting in, sending them to the ground. Adrian's voice was softer now, and his words were soothing. "If you frantically worry about something that is possibly there, you'll look even more suspicious-- not to mention, insane."

"They already think I'm insane. That's why they handed me over to that shrink lady." I shuddered. Ms. Finch (the shrink lady) was one of the people on this planet that I hated, and it was the type of hate that I can't seem to find a reason why I do.
Still, she was going to "bring me back to stability", when in all honestly she's just, dare I say it, making it worse.

I looked at Adrian's pale face, which was tinted pink from his lack of use of a scarf. I pulled down his hat to cover his ears, and put his hands in his pockets. "Your ears and fingers will fall off if you don't take care of them."

"You're as cold as usual, Mistress." he laughed at his own stupid little pun.

I rolled my eyes and jumped from the branch and landed on the ground, not causing the slightest bit of damage to my feet. You'd think this was nothing, but it was a pretty big tree. "Come on, let's get back home."

Adrian only looked at me like I was crazy, which I probably was. "If I hadn't formed from your mind, I would be sure you've lost it!"

"You're the one always telling me I need to trust my abilities more." Smug, I grinned and crossed my arms. "Trust me like I should trust my abilities."

Alone to my Thoughts (being moved to my other account)Where stories live. Discover now