Some years ago...

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Martha Price accepted Sab (Sabrina) because she couldn't resist her daughter Abi (Abigail). Abigail didn't know her mother's plans (cuz she knew all of her mother's plans since birth (lol). Her mother's plans are: They are going to move for London, She is going to separate the bffs 😱,she want to kill Sab's family before she kill Sab! When Abi and Sab turn 20 (Abi's bday: Oct 14 Sab's bday: Oct 16) Martha said "This town is not safe for us, we need to get out of town forever" Abi said "no!!!, you are the mayor of this town right?! " Martha replied " that's why we got vice mayor" . Martha just wanted her know the truth (She just have a sister on other father. Her stepsister named Penelope Rivera). Abigail texted Sab "Meet me at our hideout, I had an argument with mom". At the hideout.........

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