OC #5-Soul Eater: Dovev

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Name: Dovev of Chaos



Birth: 7-13-2001

Description: She had a pretty scary past, a lot of people died, some even by her hands. But it wasn't her fault, for someone had manipulated her into killing ones she loved. And because she thought it was her fault, she hid behind a mask, to show how messed up she thought she was. She'd had a step sister, almost like a best friend, Ara of Discord, that helped her through her troubles. She then becomes Ara's weapon, for she has 3 modes; Pistol, Shotgun, and separate knuckle blades. And soon, with the help of the ones she still has, she attends the DWMA with her beloved meister.

Eyes: Golden Yellow

Hair Colour/Length: Long, Mahogany hair

Clothing: Black shirt, grey pants, dark grey shoes and mask with swirly eyes.

Extras: Her soul is quiet and sad. But sometimes, she might show a small smile to show appreciation.

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