Chapter 1

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Well, my name is olive and yes I know what you are thinking what type of a name is that well it's my name . My parents wanted me to be different so I am stuck with that name . I am a very shy anti social person so I am basically a nerd . It was Friday and I was going to school I go to a all girls catholic school that is extremely strict and I hate it every morning I have to wake up at 5:30 to get ready . As some as I wake up I take my beautiful fuggle (French bulldog /pug) for a walk her name is hazel and she is basically my best friend after that I come home to my mum and my dad yes I am an only child and It sucks so I came home to fresh hot waffles covered in maple syrup. after that I do all the normal things an average girl does to get ready for school. 6:30 is when I have to be at the bus stop ready to catch my two hour bus to school and you say why I travel so far for school well I live in the middle of New York City and there is not very many high quality schools there so that's why . Everyday I arrive at school at 8:30 and sit in the library reading till 9:00 and then head to class I do not have one friend at this school because I am known as one of the nerdiest girl . As soon as we walk into class they measure out skirt and make sure we have to right school uniform.

Sorry about the short chapter and bad ending but just seeing if you guys like it 💗

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2016 ⏰

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