Chapter 10

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Demi's pov'

I rolled on my side like a worm wiggling nonstop. Am I dreaming? Did I just have a time with Joe?

I sighed. Joe is so confusing. He's unpredictable.

I sat up and grab my laptop. I open my Facebook account. It's been a while since I opened it. I'm not into social media.

I have a lot of notifications and messages. And 2 friend request.

I opened my message box. And saw  messages from Selena and Marissa.

They asking me about earlier. Why I didn't attend my last subject. And why they can't find me.

I replied them. But I didn't say to them that Joe is the one who drive me home. Not yet. I will tell them tomorrow. I know they will ask and bother me nonstop. And I'm tired. I have no time to explain everything to them right now.

As I was about to log out my account when my attention went and focused on the name of Joe Jonas. I have a friend request from him.

Is this serious? I don't want to accept it but seems like my hands have their own brain. And I didn't notice that I already hit the accept button.
Until I heard a notification sound.

"Thanks for accepting my friend request. :)" He sent me a message.

Did he just message me?

"no biggie. Thank you again for driving me home. :)" I replied.

" No biggie :)" he mocked me.

I laughed and decided not to reply him. I yawned and shut down my laptop.

I fixed myself and turned off the lights. I threw the covers over me and snuggled myself on my favorite pillow.

I guess I will have a sweet dream.


"What the hell?! Are you serious?!"they exclaimed.

"Sssh!" I shushed them.

We are here at the cafeteria having our breakfast. And I told them about what happened yesterday. About Me and Joe. And they are so Shocked and overwhelmed about that.

"I thought he is dating Ashley? So Why the hell he kept flirting with you?!" Selena asked.

"I don't know okay?" I said.

"You better kept distance to that guy Demi. I don't think he is a loyal person. I mean he's a playboy." Selena said.

"I kinda agree with you Sel. I don't trust that man. Dems you better give up to that guy. Stay away" Marissa said seriously.

"to be honest I'm tired on him. He is the one who always going near me" I said to them.

"you have  point, but girl why Do you like him?" Selena asked.

"I don't know, maybe because he is kind and gentleman. I know he is a playboy, but if you guys seen him maybe you two can change your minds" I said

"That's it? That's the reason? My God Demi, are you insane?" Marissa exclaimed

"what's wrong with that?" I asked confused and annoyed

"Nothing" Marissa said putting her hands in defense.

She sighed and rolled her eyes. I think she is getting annoyed with ne.
I look down and played with my fingers.

"uhm, Marissa mean to say that,Dems it is not enough reason to wait and be a fool for him" Selena said looking deeply into my eyes.

"Yeah Selena" Marissa said agreeing.

" I know, I know okay? I'll stay away from him don't worry" I said.

"We don't want you to do it because we want to, it just we really don't want you to see sad and crying." Marissa said.

"You two are my bestfriends, I love you both like my sister. If where you guys happy, I'm into it." Selena said

I gave them a sweet smiled from the bottom of my heart.

Marissa stand up and put her arms on our shoulders and smiled at us.

A warm and sweet Smile is enough to know a love from a person who truly loves you.

We get back to our classroom to begin and learn our new lessons.

I never knew that through a one guy my world would go upside down. If Joe wants to play a game with me then I'm in. Let's Start the game Jonas.


Sorry if this story is taking so slow.
:( :(

But I hope u guys like it. :)

I'm so sad for Demi, I hope she is okay. Dilmer :(  <\3 (But I'm still a Jemi fan)


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