Charecter profile - Blaze

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Name: Blaze Darcey Carson
Age: 16
Appearance: black emo hair, bluey grey eyes, snake bites, septum piercing and a batman symbol tattooed on her neck.
Fave colours: Black and blue
Favourite animal: Wolf
Favourite band: Black veil brides
Likes: Music, art, science, basketball, baseball, batman, gymnastics, Adventure time, Hottopic, friends, family, animals, punk music, hair dye, piercings, tattoos, rock music, screamo.
Dislikes: Pink, purple, one direction, Justin Bieber, Ariana grande, cheerleading, jocks, cocky boys, snot nosed cheerleaders, school, math, pop music, Marilyn Manson.

The emo who used to be a cheerleader Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu