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What is "Weekly Graphic Contests"?

Every week, there will be a new contest and it's going to be random. It could be a contest about covers, banners, album covers, 'you', lyrical, and random.

Let me explain each category :)


Simple. You will be given a certain title and design and your duty is to make it with your best.


Simple as well. You'll be given a certain person and your duty is to make your best banner you could muster.


I'll give you a certain artist with a certain song. Ex. Zayn- Pillowtalk and your duty is to make an album cover for 'pillowtalk'.


you'll know it when we get there :)


I'll give certain lyrics and your job is to use that as a subtitle. You can make use any title but the title of the song of that lyrics.


Simply random :)

Please, tag someone on the comment section that would love to join :)

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