Chapter 13

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Lilliana's Pov:
Ethan and I ran back to my place hand in hand. Within 5 minutes we were on the doorstep with unlocking the door. I ran in and up the stairs while Ethan shut the door and slowly followed me. Once Ethan reached my bedroom door my bag was already half packed. I had two spare pairs of clothes, a jumper, some PJ's, my vans, swimmers, toiletries and makeup. I was chucking it all in my bag when Ethan walked over to my draw and pulled out my lace bra, it was really fancy and a bit revealing. It was the one my brothers girlfriend got my for my birthday she left it wrapped with a note saying 'You're now 15, and might need this' the note was still attached and before I could stop him Ethan had read it, how embarrassing.

"ETHAN" I screamed in embarrassment
"Might need this, hey?" he said in a teasing tone
"Shut up, its from my brothers girlfriend" I said still embarrassed.
"Ok, I'm sorry babe" he said wrapping me in a hug. When he pulled away the bra wasn't in his hand anymore. I turned around to see it in the bag that I was packing, sneaky little bum. I turned back around to see a smirking Ethan
"What? You might need it." He said his smirk growing by the second.
"And why is that?" I asked him
"Truth and dare" he replied is a duh tone
"Ok" I said turning back towards my bag and zipping it up.

I walked over to my cupboard and got out a crop top that said 'RECKLESS' across it in purple and some cute patterned shorts. I walked into the bathroom and quickly put them on with my purple sports bra which you could see through the whit top. I walked out and over to my bed and picked up my bag.

"Babe" Ethan whined
"Yeah?" I asked
"It's only 12:50"she told me
"And your point is?" I asked honestly confused.
"It takes 5 minutes to get to Chris' so we have some time to spare" he explained
"And what do you suppose we do in that time?" I questioned putting my bag down and sitting on his lap on my desk chair.
"Um maybe we could like kiss?" He said but it came out as a question.
"Ok" I said leaning in and softly kissing his lips.

Ethan's Pov:
Right now I was in Lilliana's room sitting on her desk chair, she was on my lap in really short shorts and a see through white shirt, I could see her bra, it was purple. She was kissing me and I was kissing back. Her kisses are amazing, our lips fit together perfectly like a puzzle, like they were made for each other. She slowly pulls away and I look into her eyes.
"I love you"I said that made her blush.
"I love you too Etho" she said in her angle like voice.
"Should we get going" I asked looking over at her bedside table clock see the time was 12:53pm.
"Yeah" she sighed standing up. I walked over and grabbed her bag the grabbed her hand with my free one. With that we walked out the front door and started our journey to Chris' house.


So here's your update. Hope you enjoyed and next chapter will be the sleepover. Probably won't get a chance to update till Friday arvo because of assignments and exams. Please vote and comment your thoughts on this chapter.

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