Powers of the Unknown

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I ran through the burning building with the small, unconscious boy in my arms. There was a shower of sparks as the Romangartis following me pointed his iron rod at the ceiling, trying to make it fall down on me. I glanced back in confusion, but turned and ran faster when I saw that he didn’t have an iron rod anymore. He now had a glowing stick in his hands, and I immediately recognized it. I also knew that he couldn’t use again it for a few more minutes thankfully.

However, this was no ordinary magic staff. He pointed it at me again, and it shot forward and grabbed my leg. The boy rolled out of my arms, and stayed motionless on the ground in front of me. There was fire surrounding us, and I tried to reach for him, but the Romangartis grabbed me and held me down as the staff changed into a rope and started to wrap itself around me.

But it stopped before it covered my face. The Romangartis stepped up and knelt down by me. I struggled against the bonds, but they were too tight and just got tighter the more I moved. I gasped and stopped; it was almost too tight to breathe. The Romangartis smiled down at me, showing its blackened teeth.

“Now this is real easy.” He said in his raspy voice. “Either you surrender now and join our side, willingly, or I take you and force you to join us. We’re tired of killing your kind. We know about your skills, and they would be very useful to us. So which will it be? Would you like it to be pain free and easy, or do you want to be tortured and forced?” he asked quietly.

“I will never help you.” I said through gritted teeth. He laughed and shook his head.

“You’ll see soon. You will join us, and before long, you will see we are right, and you will help us willingly.” He laughed again and touched my forehead. I was out in seconds.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2011 ⏰

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