You're background

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You were just a little child when it happened. When your parents were brutally murdered by demons. You were barely ten when it happened. You didn't even know your parents were hunters. You just thought they had some superhero job. You were ten keep in mind. You ran as soon as you heard your mom and dad's screams. You hid in their closet waiting for it to all be over. The demons or as you thought they were at the time was humans well more likely serial killers which were the same thing. You then watched and listened from their closet you seen and heard them come into the room you were in. You guessed they saw nothing of value in the room then they both opened their mouths and black smoke came out of their mouths. Then they both just dropped. You waited for an hour and a half to come out. When you came out you saw nothing and now one. So you then started searching their room for any detail at all. You found the mother loud you found all their research and their plans to find any and all things you also found their weapons. So you then decide that down there was enough proof that whatever you parents hunted was real. So you packed all their weapons and information. So you could at least try and pick up where they left off. One thing you remembered was that your parents always said to call this Bobby person if something went wrong. You didn't know why till now so you decide to call him. But before you were able to call him you heard someone or something break in. You then saw a person run into the living room you were in. You pointed the pistol you had at the thing. Once it came into the light you saw it was Bobby you remember seeing him in pictures never meeting him tho. "Help me" Was the only thing you could even process to say. He nodded and grabbed your hand leading you away with your parents stuff

*Jump to the future six years*

You were sixteen now so you sorta understand the whole hunting thing now after Bobby trained you that is. Now you don't call him Bobby anymore you call him dad. It was an accident when you first called him dad you were eleven. You only did it because you thought he was more of a dad to you then your real dad was. It sorta came out on accident when you were helping him fix one of his cars. You helped him find cases for other hunters and help these Winchesters John, Dean, and Sam.


Right now in present time you are about twenty-five. You still live with Bobby and help the Winchesters with hunts or gaining information on the victims. You've even been saved by them twice now considering demons just love to get the drop on you. You even ran away once and they found you. Now you're trying to keep everything together in the hunting world going to these hunter bars to give out case like first come first served.

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