false judgement ch 1

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*beep beep beep beep* smash "uhhhhhhhh?" it was a Monday morning and the air smelt like shit. the lazy ass teen boy in the bed grunted and hopped up and walked into the bathroom. meet jack. your averaged teen goth with a few issues to work out but not a big deal. 

it was the same mornings for him. wake up to annoying alarm clock, smash it then go to the bathroom. normal. jack walked out of his bathroom and into his bedroom to go change. but he jumped up when his foot got stabbed by pieces of the broken alarm clock. "fuck, next time im getting a metal one not plastic" lazy fucker isnt he? hello im his sup thingy, that thing that tells him right from wrong. yeah, anyway jack got dressed and grabbed his backpack and skateboard and ran down stairs to see his little sister "Emile im off to school. tell mum to get up" Emile pocked her little head around the corner and waved goodbye to her big brother.

as jack skated down the street to his high school he saw something he wished he hadn't. "those punks tee peed the school again great" now to why this was a downer was because the principle would blame him for it. "jack hills can you please come to the office" the lady behind the speakers said. jack groaned as he rode off to the office again! now you see the principle hates jack cause he thinks jack is a punk with a big mouth (witch he isnt)

"you wanted to see me sir?" the fat guy in the big chair spun around and glared at the teen boy "yes have a seat mister hills" ow goodie he called us mister. yes us. "what dint i do now?" "dont give me that attitude you little punk. you know what you did. look at my school, its a mess" "i dint do it" "ont lie to me boy, i know it was you" "got any proof?" the old fart looked at him with a smerk "why yes i do.

the old bastard in the chair got up and gave jack a pitcher of a wall that said 'jack hills was here' "wow those dicks really tried to get me back for hat stink bomb dint they" "stink bomb?" "yeah. you see i dint do that. the jocks did. i put a stink bomb in one of there jim bags and they dint like is so they set this up" (im going to skip this cause im to lazy to deal with that wrinkly old fuck)

"great i get to clean up that shit outside and i got detention, lucky me" jack walked to his first class witch would make him feel better. not cause of lerning or his friends but cause of his teacher. sam or better known as miss Gabriel. jack knocked on the door and walked in "sorry im late samantha" (everyone calls her sam but he calls her samantha. this boy needs help) "its ok jack. take your seat and we can start" jack felt heat going to his face so he put his hoodie on his head and sat down at his desk. 'she is so cute today' just then a paper plane flew over and hit her on the head. "ALRIGHT WHO THREW THAT!!!" she said as her face went to kill mode 'ow shit. who is going to die today' "s-sorry ma'am" smanthas face went back to her loving side and she calmed down "ow its ok just leave that stuff for after class ok dear" "umm yes ma'am" jack smirked at that. she might be cute but she is Heller scary.

to be continued........

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