Prologue: The Crash

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Unknown Perspective

I woke up, out of a cold sweat. Still, vivid images danced in my head. I rolled over to my bedside table. Across from me, the numbers 2:02 glared at me.

"Aug", I groaned. It was the middle of the night. Why couldn't I just go to bed?

As I began pulling the covers back over my head, I saw a flash from the window. Sleep was gone from my mind, replaced with an unrelenting curiosity.

Immediately the covers came off and my fingers fumbled around for a jacket. It wasn't long before I was out the door. I didn't even grab a condensed bar. Shocking for someone like me.

On Cumulus Blvd. my feet pittered-pattered along the walkway. My eyes were trained on to the mysterious light. I resisted the urge to sprint. Instead I walked with a purpose. As if some determined soul possessed me.

I hesitated for a moment when I approached the Forbidden Fog. Rumer had it that evil ghosts and haunted spirits roamed underneath the mist. Many claimed to see unnatural figures and hear eerie sounds. The ones that returned were so traumatized that they shivered with fright. Luckily, I didn't believe in spirits and the undead. They wouldn't stop me.

I pushed aside the shrubbery and my mouth dropped. I swear, a bug flew in. In front of me was a huge object. It resembled a hawk, minus the jaw-dropping size of it.

It was 20 times bigger than the average hawk. The soft, brown feathers were gone. Instead a smooth shiny material covered the object with an intimidating presence. At the head, two blinding lights shot through the darkness. It was the light that I saw from my bedroom window!

I approached the ship. Across the side, the words 'Golden Heart' were painted lovingly on the outside. I was puzzled by the meaning of these words.

I walked through the doorway. On one side a panel of flips, switches, and buttons blinked and flashed. A limp body slumped in a straight back chair. From the way the man's eyes stared in to space with an empty expression I knew that the man was dead. A sickening feeling rose in my stomach, causing me to taste my dinner from last night. It wasn't pleasant. I quickly shuffled down the other hallway.

I passed rows and rows of empty blue chairs. I was at a loss for words and confused. Just as I was about to turn back I saw a little bundle. A pale pink blanket was wrapped around a sleeping newborn. I felt an attachment to this calm baby.

I picked up the child and realized, this wasn't a Cloudian. A closer inspection told me that this was a Grounder! I knew that I shouldn't be handling this baby. Yet for some reason I found myself taking the Grounder home. I didn't know why or how. What I did know was that Cloud 9 would never be the same.

Hi y'all! (I'm not sure if anyone says that anymore.)

Sorry if the prologue was confusing, prologues usually are confusing!

Keep reading for more of the story, it's super good.

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