How He Asked You Out

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Eliot Spencer: It has been a few months after I joined the team, you were sitting at the bar with everyone else, Sophie and Nate, who were arguing about something, Hardison and Parker, who were discussing the movie they were going to watch, and you and Eliot, Eliot was teaching you to get better at darts, you back was against his torso, his head was beside yours, you threw the dart, it got right in the center of the board "I did it" you whispered, neither of you moved "y/n, will you go to dinner with me?" he whispered, you nod slightly "yah" neither of you knew why you were whispering but you were. (I think I'm going to add that to my book)

Alec Hardison: you two were hacking away in Nate's apartment, everyone else was asleep, you take a deep breath so you could relax a little better, you could tell someone's eyes were on you "y/n, I've been wanting to ask you something," Hardison began "will you go out with me?" he asked nervously, "Of course, I've liked you ever since I met you." you reply, happily.

Nate Ford: he had always been straight forward, he did it after you finished up with a client. You were about to walk out of the bar, when Nate came up behind you "here, let me walk you home." Nate offered, you smile a little. You got to your apartment "hey, y/n," Nate started "will you go out on a date with me, tomorrow night?" you could tell he was a little nervous, you smile and nod "Wouldn't miss it for the world." You go inside your apartment.

Jim Sterling: Jim, was a classy man, he was sitting talking to Nate and turned to you and saw your drink was gone. He ordered you a new one and you two spent the rest of the night talking "will you go on a date with me?" Sterling asked smiling, you were smiling as well "yah, of course I will." you reply, this was one the best days of your life.

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